Casey Johnson may not be as familar to people as say Paris Hilton but she was the heir apparent to a fortune: the Johnson and Johnon fortune.
Not to speculate but I recently (like last week) saw her picture posted along with other dumb people on a crime library photo array of rich people who do dumb things. I believe her dumb thing had to do with illegal drugs.
I was sorted right. Here is the link: http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/photogallery/heirs-under-arrest.html
Casey Johnson
Dec. 1, 2009: Casey Johnson, heiress to the Johnson & Johnson fortune, was arrested for grand theft after allegedly stealing clothing, jewelry and a 600-page legal document from her former friend--and according to tabloids, lover--supermodel Jasmine Lennard. The 30-year-old heiress, who supposed friends say has a drug problem, also reportedly left a used vibrator on Lennard's bed and some wet towels on the floor.
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