An old preacher has led many to believe the end of the world will be May 21st. This isn't scriptural. According to the bible, Christ raptures His church, the earth then goes through a seven year tribulation period then Christ returns, sets up His kingdom and rules on earth form 1000 years. So it will be a long time before the world ends.
An article on this prediction of the end of the world on May 21 stated that most Christians don't beloieve in the rapture. Who is the author of this article conting as Christian? If it is people who say they share a Christian belief, then there are many people counted who never have set foot in a real church before and can't be counted as professing Christians. They have no idea waht a Christian really believes or what the bible teaches. I doubt they have every even read the bible and probably wouldn't understand it is they did. I have to admit, I have never met a faithful Christian who does not acknowledge the rapture as a biblicval truth so I have no idea where this fool got his information.
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