Showa is the larger fish, the orange, black and white one. Spot is white with a tan face and black spots. Showa is female and Spot is, of course, the male. Showa is 17" long and weighs just under four pounds. Spot is attempting to get Showa to lay her eggs so he can fertilize them. She will lay 100,000 eggs for each pound of body weight.
I am not a breeder so I have no need of 400,000 fish. Last year only one out of every hundred thousand survived birth but even one of them died when it was about two inches long. I have two from last years broad, Tiger and Zero.
I'll post a video on face book of the process of spawning. In the mean time you can enjoy the one of my fish playing in the waterfall.
Payno attentionto thedate/time stamp on the pictures. It was 9 am on May 11, 2011 when I took the pictures. The eggs should start hatching in between two days and a week.
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