Sunday, the doctor called my brother and asked him to come back to the hospital where his wife lay suffering from cancer. "Thee is nothing more that can be done for her" the doctors told my brother. "It's just a matter of a few hours at best."
James wanted her son to have a chance to say goodbye so he hooked his wife to a respirator until the family could say their goodbyes then he was going to have it unplugged.
Her son came and mother and sonb said their goodbyes and their last hugs and said or indicated their love for each other and then my brother unpluuged life support.
Many Christians were on their knees praying for her and many churches also.
Today she went home.
She may die tomorrow or Monday, or next week but she will be home on Mother's day.
I don't know if any of you remember Princes Springsummer Winterfall but she was played by a beautiful young lady as part of the Howdy Doodly puppet show that was one of the first shows on TV back in the fifties. When she was 24, she anbd her husband were on vacation when both died in a car accident. People didn't have the opportunity to pray for her. I'm sure she had no idea that morning that it would be her last day on earth.
My mother-in-law was rushed to the hospital this week and she was near death. While she was waiting to be taken to her room another man was brought in and placed in trama care next to her. He has just ran a red light and struck anothyer man, killing him. It was front page news in the Asheboro paper. The man who died doesn't have another week to live nor anyone to pray that he does. Once its over, its over.
I wonder what he would have done differently if he had known that he would die that very day.
I also wonder who might have the opportunity to tell him about Jesus. I wonder if Princess Springsummer Winterfall knew jesus and trusted Him? Who could have told them and didn't?
It's sad to know one only has minutes or hours or maybe just days to live but knowing the end is near gives one the opportunity to say their goodbyes and the chance to question their beliefs and make a choice.
No, prayer will not keep her alive forever nor allow for her to live a normal life. But prayer gave her a chance many never have.
Make the right decision now.
See you in church.
I'm sorry, Dale. Will say a little prayer.
Thank you. All are needed an appreciated.
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