Well, yes and no. That isn't meant to be a gotcha answer but there are some qualifications that have to be met first before God answers prayer. God isn't a granter of wishes by any means and the "name it and claim it" stance of many TV preachers isn't what prayer is all about anyway.
The only prayer God answers from a lost person is the prayer of repentance. Now there is a difference between repentance and confession and while confession can be good it isn't good enough. One must repent of their sins.
Once a person has been born again God will answer his prayer's if he is praying with a sinless heart. Even a Christian sins and if a Christian with unconfessed sins prays God does not necessarily listen. The scriptures teach that we should confess our sins first then pray. When we pray we must pray believing. God will grant our needs. He may even grant our wants but not always. God answers every prayer from a Christian. Sometimes He says no, sometimes, yes and sometimes he says "in My time".
One should not always expect a bed of roses from prayer. A prayerful Christian is hated by Satan so we must expect some discouragement to be throw our way when we have an effective prayer life.
Our church came together and agreed to pray everynight at 9:00pm for our church. The first Sunday after we began our prayer vigil we had the largest attendance without the day being a special service. But we had a member to die, everyone in the church has become sick except for two people, another had an outbreak of skin cancer and had to have an operation to remove the cancer.
The preacher had a vehicle breakdown and i had one to get stuck in the mud. I do believe if we hold firm and continue in prayer that the roadblocks and discouragement will cease and we will receive many blessings from God. I have seen much evidence in my own life to support my belief the God and His concern for His people.
I have found that God will honor His promises to us if we first honor our comitment to Him.
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