I'm not so much looking forward to summer if it is going to be hot like 2012 but I am looking forward to the day when I can walk on dirt and not get muddy. It has been wet for so long in some places it looks as if the ground has melted away like cake frosting in a too warm kitchen. I've still have a few stacks of wood at the church I need to carry off but it has been so wet I can't pull the truck down to the piles because I would get mirred in the mud. The mud might be fine for pigs, bakers and wrestlers but it doesn't do much for Ford Rangers and fat old men.
I started the project in the fall of 2011 clearing the back half of the property at the church. I worked six months last year and now starting the eight month of this year (counting from September of 2012 until the present). Soon it will be too warm to work there and i need to get the wood carried off and the weeds pulled in time to plant.
With my wife being injured for the last four months and taking care of her, taking care of my aged mother, and helping to care for my monther-in-law, it has been hard to find time and days dry enough to work. It sure would have been nice to have some big equipment to work with. Last year I had a mattock. a rack, a pair of lopers, and a small hand saw. This year I added a chain saw, which couldn't afford but purchased anyway.
I had a funeral to attend today and we are expecting rain or worse the next two days so yoiu know Thursday and Friday are going to be wet. I can only stack wood by the curb on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday because pickup time is early Thursday morning. Next week I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and I am going to take care of Mom on Thurdsay.
I had hoped to get the work done before spring but it looks like it will be a close call to get it done before it feels like spring and almost impossible to get it done by calendar spring. I really do need to get finished so i can get the pumpkins in the ground.
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