Didn't retire until 11 and at 2:30 I'm awake and not feeling sleepy at all. I suppose the warmer weather and thinking about the events of Sunday services has my brain in a tizzy. Later today after taking my wife to get her eye glasses adjusted I'm heading to the church to carry wood to the curb. I've got that last big pile to get rid of. Tomorrow I have a VA appointment in Winston Salem, Wednesday I'm helping the preacher work on the outside lightins at the church. Thursday I'm heading to Hickory to take Mom shopping and attend to her other needs. Friday or Saturday I'm putting up a fence at the church.
I was hoping to get all the debris and weeds out of the space I worked all winter to clear but I think mother nature is going to beat me on this one so i may have to call in the big guns. As much as I hate chemical warfare I may not have any choice. Half of what I worked to clear last year is starting to grow back and it is still too bumpy and rocky with too many sappling stumps left in order to mow. It seems weed killer is my only altermative. The winter of 2013-14 will afford me enough time to finally win the weed battle but i'v got to hold them at bay until then.
I was hoping to have every thing cleared so I could have a huge garden. I know we have some members that could sure use a break on their groceries and get some fresh vegatables to boot. I'll still have some for them from my home garden. The space at the church really needs to be planted in pumpkins the first year. The large leaves shade the ground retarding the growth of the weeds and vines. As the ground is now, the ground can't be tilled because the vines will clog the tiller. I broke the transmission on my attempt to till last year, It would be nice if I could afford to have the land plowed but I can't. It seems people don't help each other out much now a days. That may not be true but it just seems so.
One of the hardest thing about being a diabetic is the constant hunger. To be totally honest, it is the feeling of hunger that keeps me from getting back to sleep many nights (tonight included). Sometimes it is really hard to tell if I really need to eat or if my blood sugar is just too high or too low. That is why it is so important for a diabetic to eat at the same time everyday and to pick the right kinds of food to eat. It is also why it is so difficult for a diabetic to lose weight.
Last year I walked five miles every mornings and ate a strict healthy diet and cluld not drop a single pound. My diabetes was being controlled by diet and after losing fifty pounds it seemed I hit that plateau and no matter what I did i just wasn't going to lose any more. I fufilled a dream I'v always had and coached a baseball team and halfway through the season the weight just started falling off me. I was happy and proud of myself. The only thing I hated was I just couldn't seem to stay out of the bathroom.
At my next doctor's visit I found that I had gone from a diabetic who was able to control his disease through diet to a type one diabetic who was nearing death without help. Unfortunately help came with a weight gain. I've managed to get off the insulin but it is a mighty struggle trying to rid myself of this extra weight. If I feed my hunger pains I'm also feeding the disease. Sometimes life is really hard and scary. Sometimes it is just uncomfortable.
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