Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dr. J's Housecalls

Several years ago I stumbled across a blog entitled Dr. J's Housecalls and was surprised that I had discovered a Doctor that would come to me.  However, the blog was not about making house calls or medicine or even the medical community except how an incident involving the blog author and the local Asheboro hospital affected the good doctor and her dreams.  The doctor was highly motivated, intelligent, articulate and interesting.  Some of her assertions seemed, at first reading, to be somewhat far fetched but I did some research and I finally came to accept that Dr. J had a valid argument and that she was done wrong and done harm by the actions of some hospital administrators. 

I cannot state her case nearly as accurately or passionately as she has been able too.  Sometimes life just seems to kick us when we least expect it too and no one we trust or system we believe in seems able or willing to help us back up but instrumental in kicking us again and again when we are down.  I know from experience how cruel and unjust the system can be and it seemed the harder I tried to set the truth free the harder the system worked to preserve the wrong and deny the truth.  I believe it was my knowledge of how our systems really works  and through my struggles within the system to get the truth out that allowed me to become an avid supporter of Dr. J. 

I have to admit that since my retirement from the work force I have been far too busy to keep up with my writing and my on-line reading as well.  I also have to admit my support for Dr. J became less important to her as her support and influence grew. For sure she had her distractors but all people do, and the more one becomes known the more haters there will be. 

Since my wife's accident in October the stresses of life and the obligations and duties increased and I found less and less time to "catch up" on the life and times of Dr. J.  Tonight I decided to check in on her and see how she was doing and discovered that 4/25/2013 was the last of her blogs, except for an occasional update. 

I was happy to learn that she is active in her church, still, and perhaps a little more active than what she was when I first encountered her.  We have never met although we probably have come close a time or two.  I did work briefly since I retired and through that job I would have had the opportunity to meet Dr. J.  But things changed for me when I discovered I was a type 1 diabetic.  I had to give up my job in order to care for myself so another opportunity passed me by. 

I can fully understand Dr. J's passion and her desire to pursue her goals as far as she has.  I am cut out of the same cloth that she is   and I passionately sought for the truth to come out.  Unlike Dr. J, I did win a big court battle.  Even though the victory was sweet and my advisory was exposed the victory wasn't total and I knew that I could never recover my losses but I had won back my dignity and honor, and that was the best I would ever do.  I just stepped away from the situation, accepted my situation for what it was and got on with my life putting my vendetta behind me. 

I have found a new passion and a more positive one.  I too have become active in my church and I have to brag on God when I think about what He has done in that little place.  In Dr. J's last blog it seemed like she    really wants to put the situation behind her and move on with her life yet at the same time she has been so involved that it seems almost like she is afraid to totally let go.  I know, it seems funny to use the word afraid and Dr. J in reference to each other but sometimes even the most tenacious of us can sometimes be afraid, especially when it comes to letting go of something that has been such a big, important part of ones life. 

Where Dr. J will go from here now that she isn't going to use her blog as an outlet any more we can only speculate  and I won't have a way to check in on her now that "Housecalls" will cease but I pray that she will use her energy and passion and tenaciousness for something positive in her life. 

.Regardless of where life takes her from here I am going to miss her blog and although we only knew each other in cyberspace I will always remain an admirer of hers and a supporter.  I wish her the best of everything. 

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