I never paid much attention to my neighbor until he built himself an outbuilding. It is well built howbeit by trial and error. I think the guy works construction but he is probably a wall board hanger. Anyway I had lots of laughs at watching the comedy of errors he and his friends made building the shed. What should have been a three week job has now stretched out to almost a year and he still isn't finished. It's an eyesore, with exposed wood, tar paper flapping in the breeze, and dirt piled around it's foundation.
I watched the guy cut down trees and stacke the wood only to move it 4 months later and then burn the brush, once setting his neighbors shed on fire.
The shed is large enough to have required a builders permit but he didn't have one. The shed is also build on the property line whiuch again isn't legal. It is also illegal to burn within city limits but even if burning was legal, it would have been much easier to care the stuff to the curb and let the city pick it up.
Even so, it isn't this neighbor that is my biggest concern. It is the neighbor one house down from him, the one who keeps a dog tied in the back yard, far away from the house. It is a dog that never is allowed loose, never receives human contact, and never has been fixed. The dog is now pregnant again. The first liter was pit bull mix. All but two of the puppies from the first liter were given to other people. Those two were given to the man with the shed.
Sadly, those two puppys, about nine months old now, have been kept on the small back porch with a makeshift lean-to made of plywood and flapping tar paper, and are ignored almost as much as the mother dog is.
It just seems cruel to me to keep a dog tied up 24/7/365 and never allow it freedom or given it human interaction or to keep twp puppies pinned on a back porch months on in and not allowed to exercise and not ever given attention.
I wish that I could do something or knew someone that cared enough to do something but it must be that society is perfectly okay with the man treating his animals this way.
Please don't suggest that I notify animal awareness, city hall, or local law enforcement. They don't seem to care about his dog anymore than he does.
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