Sunday, April 21, 2013

God still cares

Little One Way Baptist was the site of some wonderful things today, Sunday April 21, 2013.  Several came to the alter and another called the preacher after everyone had gone home.  At first he said he wasn't coming back because he was in conflict over whether to surrender to God or not but after the nine o'clock prayer, the preacher called him and he said he wanted to surrender his life to Christ. 

I have a preacher friend that is an evangelist and heads  a local fellowship.   He doesn't attend our church but does come occasionally whenever our pastor is sick to fill in for him.  We were having something special tonight that no one in the church knew about but me, the pastor and his wife.  I really want my preacher friend to be there.  I didn't ask God to bring him there but one night in prayer I did think how good it would be if he did come to the service. 

He was there. 

Only God could have brought him to our church at the appointed time.  Some may claim it was just a coincidence and maybe it was but so many times in my life things have happened that some would claim are just coincidences but they can't just keep happening at random.  It has to be a gracious and loving God that answers prayers time and time again.  It is good to know that God still cares.  Actually, He always has and always will.  It is us that have turned our backs on God. 

I know it isn't isn't to let go and trust God especially since we can not see him, feel him, and he seems so distant and separate from us.  Sometimes it feels as if He isn't real but I know He is, that he is good and that he loves me.  I know he loves you too.

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