One thing I don't like about politics now a days is that instead of education and the information sharing that is so available with computers today, people seem to be driven further apart by their party labels. Everything someone of the other party thinks is right is wrong and is destroying our country. It should not be this way. Politics has denigrated into the rich versus the poor, big business versus the workers and the religious right versus the non believing left.
Democrats picture Republicans as being for big business and against the little people and as a bunch of closed minded religious nuts and Republicans picture Democrats as being anything goes,free spending, government program producing, child killing, alternative lifestyle loving socialists.
I'm a Republican and I do believe our health care system needed fixing, the working man needs help, and we all should be able to live free and feel safe from oppression. I also believe that if women want to be responsible for their own bodies than they should take care not to have babies they don't want to bring to term. We should all know how babies are made. But I don't believe abortion should be a criminal offense but I don't believe it should be encouraged either. I don't think homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle anymore than I believe lying should be socially acceptable.
Lying isn't illegal except under certain circumstances (perjury) and sex isn't illegal (except with minors and as defined in rape statues) Just because I believe homosexuality is an unacceptable lifestyle doesn't not mean I an homophobic any more than my believing lying is unacceptable means I'm misanthropic.
I do believe the rich are becoming richer and therefor should be paying a bigger share of this countries expenses. The rich are making much of their money off the backs of the working poor and suppressing the non working poor and should help alieve this problem by investing more in the people
But I cannot support a party that believes killing babies is acceptable and that homosexuals have the right to get married. I accept God's law as superior to man's law. A man does not have the right to lie in court even though our constitution guarantees us freedom of speech. Homosexuals do not have the right to enter into a marriage even though they do have the right not to be discriminated against.
One is not the same as the other.
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