Thursday, July 06, 2017

mark 16;16

All the commentary I have read assumes, as does most Christians, that the baptism is speaking of immersion by water but the verse does not specially say that.  I know the church has two ordinances, The Lord's Supper and Baptism  but those two things are meant to be testimonies and are not requirements for salvation.  What did Mark mean then when he said we must believe and be baptized?  This statement is written in such a way as to make baptism a requirement for salvation.  Scripture seems to make clear that baptism is not a requirement yet this verse states that it definitely is a requirement.
  Most commentators state that baptism is strongly recommended and that Jesus strongly suggested that we should get baptized. and those statement are all well and good but they do not say what this verse says.  This verse states that baptizing is a requirement.  It does not suggest anything.
  I think commentators fail to recognize the truth of this verse because they fail under the power of suggestion.  People have been interpreting this verse as to baptism referring to water baptizing and even in all their learning fail to realize that it is not.  They try so hard to make the bible fit what they believe by trying to explain away the seemingly contradiction between this verse and other scripture.    I do believe that one has to be baptized to order to be saved because the scripture says so as well as that fact demonstrated elsewhere but I do not think this requirement is water baptism but Spiritual baptism.  Jesus told the disciples to wait until the Holy Ghost comes upon them.  I think Paul makes it clear that when a person is saved that received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  One must believe and be baptized (in the Holy Spirit).
  We cannot make scripture say what we want it to say but must let scripture interpret itself.  

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