Some time back there was an article about saving money on shaving supplies. I commented that coating my razor blade with baby oil after each use prolonged the blade and thereby saved me money. Someone replied saying that could not be true but was a matter of lubrication only. I didn't have an adequate response but I did know that without baby oil I used a blade for two weeks and using baby oil I used a blade for at least two months. Was it just a matter of lubrication or does baby oil really extend the life of the blade?
I have two identical razors so I laced a new blade in each. One I packed in my travel kit and the other I put in my shower. I purchased a 6.5 oz bottle of baby oil at the dollar store and a plastic soup holder and filled the soup holder with baby oil. I used this razor before heading to the mountains and got a good shave and the next day I used the travel razor with the same results. I did not use baby oil on the one in my travel kit.
Three months later I shaved again with the razor from my travel kit and thought it would rip my face off. A month later I coated it in baby oil and then shaved with it and while the shave was no rougher it wasn't any better either. Meanwhile the razor I use every day is still giving me a smooth shave after 5 months.
My conclusion is that coating a razor with baby oil extends the life of the blade. Better yet is letting it soak in baby oil between uses.
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