Christmas day was nice as I went to my in-laws for dinner. Actually my wife and I furnished the ham and she made the deviled eggs, strawberry salad and yams, and her sister brought the white potatoes and green beans and my wifes brother-in-law did the cooking and cleaning.
After dinner my wife and I came home and watched "Home Alone" (We had watched the "Christmas Story" early) and built a fire in the fireplace. It was relaxing, romantic, and peaceful.
Sunday I had to work which won't have been so bad but the seafood clerk called out so I had to deal with two departments. I was the only one in the meat department and it was busier than it should have been on such a cold, wet, miserable day but since people didn't have to work and couldn't make it to church, they decide to go grocery shopping and to the movies.
It's amazing where people put their priorities.
Some otherwise nice people seem angry but I have better use of my time than trying to get even or get ahead because we all die in the end and I'd much rather be happy than vindictive.
I love the line from that song "You are so vain you think this song is about you."
Anyway, I was disappointed that the snow cancelled church services but that will only make the next time we meet than much sweeter.
My Mom got home from the mountains yesterday just fine. BTW, the picture is of Mom who isn't bad looking for 85.
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