Saturday, December 04, 2010

A tough Concept

I posted a joke about earning ones way into heaven, which is how some people believe it is done. Salvation is a gift. Too simple yet still hard to comprehend.

There are lots of tough concepts out there. Vastness of existence is one of them. Even if there was an end to the universe, then there would have to be a void outside of that. If our universe is so large it is almost unreasonable to think that there is no other life out there and if we have been visited by UFO's and aliens from other worlds, would they not have to be more advanced than we are?

One fact of science is that something cannot be created from nothing yet there is something here so that proves there always had to be something. so where did that something come from?

It is almost inconceivable that in a vast emptiness, a life form just sprang into existence and that other life forms sprang up at the same time that supported that first life form and enabled it to survive.

Multiple life forms at the same time? Evolution focuses on animal lifeforms but let us not forget about plants. Where did the grasses and weeds and flowers and bushes and trees come from and why did they have the need to evolve?

And to think in a vast nothingness that multiple life forms sprang up not only in one place but multiple planets as well.

And you find God a hard concept. Evolution sounds nice to prove that there is no God but there is no proof of evolution. The exact opposite is true. Animals adapt, many changing colors to survive better or growing larger or smaller to adapt to the changes in the food supply but a bird is always a bird and a dog is always a dog.

Evolution at best would have to be a gradual process yet fossil study shows distinct and abrupt changes in life forms. No history of evolving is evident in nature.

Another thing doesn't make sense. If each change is to allow a species to better survive, then why did the chimp shed its protective covering for bear naked skin when it changed to a human? And why is did it give up is strength and ability to survive in the treetops? Physically, the human seems to be inferior to the chimps as having the ability to survive in the wild.

Maybe it is the concept of Gods love that throws you for a loop? Or the concept of free will. Some people have become confused over God's will and free will. When an innocent five year old girl is repeatedly raped, beaten, and finally murdered. it is not God's will that allowed that to happen. But would it be more fair if God commanded that we love and obey him and controlled our every thought and action?

As hard as the concept that God exists is for some people to grasp try the concept that God doesn't exist.

That's a tough concept.

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