Saturday, December 18, 2010


Durin the overly hot sumnmner season we all wished for cooler weather but this is getting ridiculous.

I am looking forward to the childrens Christmas performance tomorrow night even though we know that Christ wasn't born in December, we still celebrate His birthday them so the Catholic church could take in more donations. Really, that's the reason for a winter birthday celbration. The important thing here though is why Christ was born.

I know some people don't believe in Christ and some don't believe in God either but that doesn't change reality. Even some who have atended church in their youth and claim to be Christians haven't a clue either, like the woman critical of Sarah Palin who claims that because she believes the bible, the verse in Genesis that man shall have dominion over the earth and she was annointed at her church that it means that she believes she has been chosen by God to be a ditator over America. If that wasn't so ridiculous it would be funny.

Really, the best kind of Christianity is that practiced by pre-teens with their child-like innocence. maybe that's why I amn looking forward to the childrens program at church.

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