An age old question but I want to ask it in another way. Which came first: God or human beings?
Is there a God who created everything or is God a creation of the human mind? Many will answer that god is the creation of humans who grasped for the meaning of life and to understand what was happening in nature. It was the primitive, uneducated and unlighted man that needed a superior being to understand how things worked. science and modern thinking prove there is no god.
God seems to be silent and evil things occur in the world on a daily bases. Recent studies have shown that chimps are evolving at a faster rate than humans (which doesn't make sense to me if humans evolved from chimps, how can chimps be evolving faster that people?).
To help me understand the conclusion of the matter, I will attack the problem from both ends and work towards the middle.
On the one hand there is the newly created or evolved human being, all alone in his existence, something truly unique in that he could walk upright and he could cry and he could reason problems out and act on those solutions.
At the other end we have the modern man with years of knowledge and accomplishments.
In between one can find unspeakable acts of cruely and horror and unbelievable actsd of courage and kindness. Is the human being indeed an evolved animal or just a mutation gone bad, as all mutants seem to be?
A mutant is a creature born radically different from its parents. Examples would be a two headed cat, or an eight legged turtle. Mutants seldom survive long and never replicate themselves. There are freaks of nature and somthing that might indicate that birth and living is just a roll of the dice, a radom uncontrolled occurance. Most human babies are male or female but some seem to be born as either or neither. Most babies are born normal but some are born mutatred or diseased or abnormal while others seems to have special gifts and talents than seem way beyond belief. is this just a random occurence or according to some design plan?
Can I prove that God exists? No. Can I prove he does not esist. No. I have to view natureand determine from it whether God does not or does exist and then if I believe He does exist, just who or what He is and how I am to relate to Him.
If I study nature and conclude there is no God, can I accurately conclude that there is evolution? Ancient man believed in God but never fully understood who or what god was, giving rise to many different beliefs. Evolutionis the concept of modern man. Such stuff as that never occurred to prior generations. Evolutionists teach, or once taught, the therory of survival of the fitest.
It seems that whatever was just was and there were no life forms anywhere to be found. Then we had this big bang. It could have been an explosion, a loud noise, or just two elemnts coming together through a freak of nature that had never occured befor but suddenly there was life. A simple one cell creation. This simple creation wasneither male nor female but had the ability to divide itself into two parts, but just like the original. What is most amazing is that in order to survive it needed food and there just happened to be ready available food for it to eat.
It would have to be that the food didn't like being eaten so decided to change into something different in order to survive. Unbelievable as it is, when the food changed into something that the first animal would not like to eat, the first animal changed itself into an animal that just happened to like what the plant changed itself into. So now evolution has begun.
Many years later an animal, supposedly a chimp, decide to develop a brain so he could outhinkhis food and have a decided advantage in this world over everything, not just his food of choice. But in order to get the brain the chimp had to be born without hair or fur that would serve to protect it from the extremes of weather, or hoves or pads on its feet to protect it from the ravishes of nature.
Now whether this hairless creature decide to change the color of its skin depending on what part of the world it settled into or whether different chimps decided to evolve into harless creature with a brain at the same time but each choice a different skin color for lack of a more defined purpose, I have no clue.
From a one cell animal with no enemies the first creature has evolved into something that needs to kill in order to survive and needs to destroy and change its environment in order to thrive. In the beginning, the one celled animal lived at peace with its enviroment and could multiple at will with no need to attract a partner has evolved into a creature that has to attract an opposite to survive but accepts a normal and natural those specimens that are only attracted to lie kinds that cannot reproduce, which must kill other animals to survive via food and clothing or must destroy the homes of other creatures in order to produce the planrs needed for food and clothing and shelter.
For the survival of the world, the last thing this world needed was what this first creature turned out to be. The human knows it can not survive because of itself but has decided to expand its environment to included plantents far away from where the human now lives. If he succeeds, it will only come back to bite him in the butt,based on mankinds record to date.
On the other hand, we have the story of man creation and Gods love for that man and mans rebellious nature, and how God has provided a way for man to redeem himself, and how things will end and begin again.
Evolution equates to doom without hope while Gos way is a way of hope. You decide.
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