Monday, March 03, 2014


  I was surprised that the local paper published my first two articles.  So was Mike Hunter, a local businessman and one of the political players in the community.  In fact, Mr. Hunter asked me to sign one of the articles I wrote.  I was doubly surprised when I was sent a schedule for my next four  articles  since I was originally asked to only do two.  I really don't know if the response was that positive or if the paper was desperate to fill the space.    In any case I am glad to write articles for the paper because I am, after all, a writer.  I know I'm not of such a caliber that I could earn a living by the written word even though I do believe I can write better than some that do.  I have had a book published and have been paid for some of my work but most of my writing I do for the benefit of others.  I do write the monthly newsletter at church.  I like writing because I can express myself better through the written word plus I don't have to watch you turn away from what you are reading if I bore you like I would if we were talking. 

    What I am writing  for the paper are articles for the "Faith page."    The first article I wrote was on faith and the second article was on prayer as was the third(to be published one day).  My next three articles will also be on prayer.  Why prayer?  well, I'm glad you asked.

    I hate using the telephone and I am hard of hearing so everyday conversations aren't easy for me.  My brain also works differently than the brains of most people.  I am analytical and logical and I'm amazed how people can carry on meaningless banter and find it entertaining.  I also realize   that relationships are important for personal well being and if one doesn't talk, one doesn't maintain relationships without communication, even with God.  I believe talking with God several times a day in vital.

   Oh but God is real and the bible is a fairy tale, some will say.  Science has proven that creation was not by intelligent design but just happened.  Well no, science has proven no such thing.  Evolution is just a theory and there is nothing in the evolutionary theory that isn't accounted for in the creation story.  There is just so much about the evolutionary theory that defies belief but honestly it is much easier to accept as truth what others have taught us from our youth up than it is to study and observe and draw our own conclusion.  After all, how did you come to accept evolution as the truth?  I'm sure it wasn't through your own observation and work. 

    In fact, most people who study nature concluded that everything was created by a heavenly being.  People just don't like that idea because if that if true then they are accountable for their actions and they will be held to a higher standard than they really want to live by.  They don't want their lives measured by perfection because it makes one feel so vile and dirty.  Well we are vile and dirty. 
The truth is there is nothing we can do to change that.  Once a filthy rag we will always be a filthy rag.   A rag does not have the power to change what it is or even to clean  itself.  Even if it could it would just get dirty again. 

    Yes, really.  Find you a white towel or handkerchief or piece of cloth and lay it out.  Check on it every month or so and one day you will notice that it is dirty.  One cannot remain pure in this world no matter how withdrawn one tries to be.  That rag will never be pure and clean again.  If it is washed the dirt will leave particles or stains behind and the soap will leave residue and the act of washing will leave damage behind.  And no matter how clean one gets the rag it will immediately begin to get dirty again.

   So what are we to do?  We can pretend that God doesn't exist and religion is a fairy tale, we can choose to accept that we aren't as dirty as others so we must be good enough.  Yea, we may be cleaner than many Christians but that doesn't change the fact that you are a dirty rag.  Our standard isn't to be the cleanest dirty rag but to be without blemish. 

     We can't clean ourselves up.  It is impossible.  So what are we supposed to do?  Well, the truth is that's not your problem.  That's God's problem.   We just need to let God do what God does.  We just need to quit thinking we are special because we aren't so dirty or to quit denying there is such a thing as pure.  Denying clean doesn't mean that clean  isn't obtainable.  If we just accept that we are dirty and that God is the only way to get clean   then we shall be clean indeed. 

    So, what does this have to do with prayer.  Prayer is our way of communicating with God.  We don't have to change anything about our lives.  You don't have to obtain a high moral standard to b accepted by God.  That is why not all Christians have obtained the lifestyle the world has come to believe that Christians should obtain.  Christianity is not a moral code or a code of conduct or rules and regulations but a relationship and that relationship is maintained through constant communication with God through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

   This isn't just something I feel or believe.  This is something I know.

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