Yes we had an ice storm Thursday night and yes a lot of people lost power. Power at the church came back on around 7 Friday night but my neighborhood, just two block away didn't have power restored until Saturday night around 7. All the houses surround my neighborhood within the city limits had power restored a full 24 hours before we did.
Fallen ice laden trees caused the majority of the damage and the trees that fell at the church were no exception. A cedar tree from one neighbors yard snapped in two and landed in our yard. We haven't heard a peep out of them about that tree. But another neighbor had a tree fall from her yard. It went through their privacy fence into another neighbor's yard then across our fence into the church yard. I showed up at 7:30 this morning and started cutting that tree up. When the preacher showed up an hour later I let him take over the cutting and I stared carrying off brush and stacking logs. At 11:30 this woman comes out in her bathrobe. I saw her shaking her finger at the preacher so I came over to find out what was going on. I couldn't make any sense out of what she was saying.
I tried to get her to clarify her problem to me but she said she was finished talking. After talking with her a little more and with the other people there I think I understand her problem. She claims that two people promised her that we would not be cutting the trees that were within 6 feet of the property line. She was upset that we were doing so as it was her intention to replace the existing fence with a new one and she didn't want the new fence damaged. She was also upset because we cut the tree that fell fro her property onto ours as she had promised someone they could cut the tree and use it for lumber.
Well, she should have informed the church as soon as she made that decision and certainly not four hours after I started cutting on that tree. She also claimed that two people promised her we would not cut the trees along the fence line closer than 6 feet. One, she said, was a black man and the other, she thought, might have been me. Well there is no such person as a black man associated with the church. I believe the person she is referring too was a gentleman that I gave some wood too and then allowed to cut up a huge stump for his own use.
The conversation I had with her came about when she drove her lawn mover into a ditch and I tried to help her out but couldn't. I did, however, manage to help her off her mower. She said she was the girlfriend of the man who owned the house. I asked her if she knew where the property line was and she knew where one boundary marker was and she showed it to me. She asked me if I was going to cut the trees along the fence line and I told her that I personally wasn't going to be cutting trees but that the church would be cutting all the trees. At the time most of the property was overgrown with trees, weeds, briars and brush. I told her that we were not going to be cutting the trees next to the fence until we found out exactly where the property line was.
After clearing the property I found three of the boundary markers. The property boundary showed all four sides were of equal length so knowing where three markers were, the fourth was easy to determine. It so happened that the fence was built on the line.
What makes me call her a crazy neighbor is that she didn't have a clue as to who promised her what, she was concerned about damage to a fence that didn't exist, and that we cleaned up a mess caused by a tree falling from her property onto ours. She said the preacher was the reason she never attended church and she said that a Christian would never have suggested that she repair the damage caused to church property by said tree.
It just amazes me how many people know how a Christian should act when the truth is Christianity is no a code of conduct but a relationship to Christ.
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