Yes, I admit, I over ate for many years so I really shouldn't complain that I'm a diabetic. However, for over 5 years my diabetes was controlled by my diet and I had slimmed down considerably. Then two years ago my A1C jumped from 7.0 to 14.0 and I had to go on insulin. What was significant about that was I had just begun walking 3 miles at the gym and trying to get 70 miles a week in. If exercise was supposed to help why did my diabetes go crazy?
The doctor warned me that I would put on 10 to 15 pounds after I started insulin and I did plus an extra 15. I used insulin for 3 months and then went on pills, a low dose metformin and a low glipiside (sp). My test results have all been good with reading of 6.9 to 7.4. my total cholesterol
has been between 100 and 150. The two areas I was having problems were in good cholesterol and triglycerides.
To combat the weight gain I started eating two eggs and a serving of plain oatmeal in the morning, a controlled portion lunch and a bowl of light chicken noodle soap from Progresso for supper with an apple or a bowl of salad mix with vinegar dressing for a snack. I only drink water for most meals with an occasional bottle of diet green tea. I take my medicine with cranberry juice, and regularly eat the recommended portion of almonds and walnuts. I recently started going back to the gym.
My biggest concern was the eating eggs daily, even EB's, would make my cholesterol too high. Well, what a surprise my last lab results were. My A1C was 8.4, my weight had gone up, and my cholesterol was way too low. (36 for LDL and 24 for HDL). So what are the recommendations for increasing HDL. Exercise, eat almonds and walnuts, eat eggs, and drink cranberry juice. It seems when I do what I'm supposed to my body does the opposite.
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