Absolutely! I realize I'm one of the last people one would expect to say yes to that question. Am I giving my blessing to marijuana use? Absolutely not. I honestly don't think anyone should smoke
the stuff. Then why would I be for legalizing it? you wonder. For the same reason I would not want alcohol to be illegal again.
I think we should make it legal in order to hurt the drug cartels and illegal growers and all the crime associated with the marijuana supply chain and gain some much needed tax revenue. I also believe we should put as much effort into combating marijuana use as we do cigarette use. After all people are going to do what they want to do regardless of what is right or what is the law.
When I was in high school the only people who used illegal drugs were already wanted by the law for a host of crimes, many of which were of the violent nature. People, especially kids, didn't use the stuff and most of us never heard of it. It wasn't until the Vietnam war occurred that kids started getting into drugs. I suppose it was another way to show opposition to the war and to the government which was waging that war. Kids don't mind giving their lives for things they believe in but if you are going to ask one to die it better be for a valid reason. Oil rights so big oil companies can line their pockets with cash just didn't seem to be valid enough.
However we got here isn't the question. We are here and the problem isn't going to go away and as long as the drug remains illegal the problem will only grow. Kids don't trust the government nor do they trust law enforcement. After all, the laws are to harsh for something they view as harmless, fun,
and their right to do and it is the governments fault for not allowing them to do what they want and they are resentful of law enforcement for trying to stop them from enjoying themselves.
Medical marijuana is a joke and everyone who doesn't have their heads stuck between their legs knows this. I don't think many people have sympathy for crack heads, heroin addicts, or meth users and I believe the number of people using the harder illegal drugs will decline if marijuana is legalized. The illegal drug pipeline will shrink because the number of people seeking to obtain marijuana illegally will decline dramatically. That's the law of supply and demand.
I don't want to see people smoking marijuana, using hard illegal drugs, sniffing paint, drinking alcohol, or abusing legal drugs. I just don't see the need to alter my mind for the sake of having a good time. If we can't enjoy each others company without one or both of us having to take a substance that alters our perception of reality then I would rather not try to be your friend.
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