It is sad the number of people who claim that they do not believe God actually exists. I'm afraid too many people have bought into the evolutionary theory. The most that theory has been able to produce is adaptation which is a far cry from evolution. The headlines of a recent article claimed that mankind was on the verge of the first evolution change in hundreds of years. What the article claimed was an evolutionary change was the introduction of bionics to the body. I'm sorry but providing an amputee with a bionic limb is not evolution.
The big bang theory actually began as a joke. Scientist were talking and one of them made the comment, "Well I guess it was just a big bang" and everyone liked that so they ran with that and now our children are being taught the evolutionary theory. Creation is now considered religion and isn't allowed to be taught children are growing up to believe that God is just dark age superstition, forgetting that evolution is just a theory, not fact.
According to theory , there was nothing . Scientific law says that something cannot be created from nothing but that is about to be changed. Two things, forces, powers, or whatever they be collided and everything in existence was instantly created and even more miraculous, this new creation was in perfect harmony and was able to not only exist but to evolve. The theory doers not explain two things that didn't exist was able to collide.
Humans have been causing things to collide every since and all we have been able to produce was either a mess or an explosion and that explosion generally results in a mess. I'm not sure how two things that didn't exist was able to collide and create something of value. Now if a single cell being had no enemies, was able to have sex with itself, and had the perfect environment to exist in, then why did it need to evolve? Or was evolution the result of that entity pursuing a food source? The ameba ate some algae and the algae got tired of being eaten to it changed itself into grass and got out of the water so the ameba changed itself into an animal and crawled out of the water to eat the grass so the grass decided to change itself into a tree so the creature decided to develop an enzyme that developed into a disease that caused the tree to fall and die so the animal could eat its leaves but decided one day to change itself into a monkey to it could climb the tree to eat the leaves, Then one day the monkey decided it was tired of swinging in the trees so it got rid of its tail which it needed for balance, and its fur, which it need for protection from the elements, and climbed down from the tree, which it needed to be in for protection from predators (which wouldn't have been necessary if it had been satisfied as an ameba) in order to stand on two legs and a brain, which should have made life easier but only turned the monkey into the most dangerous animal in existence and will eventually destroy itself and everything around it and we called this evolution and a good thing and them remembered we had invented this thing called a period and could stop and take a breather from time to time.
Gosh, that makes perfect sense to me.
Now if you believe that two things that didn't exist collided with each other and that collision resulted in everything that is came into existence at the same time should not have a problem believing that the things that existed that couldn't have was God and that the things that were created that couldn't have been were created by this God who wanted the things created to be.
When one looks at creation from a realistic point of view, the existence of God makes a lot of sense. And if God created everything then He has the right to make the rules.
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