There seems to be a church on every corner. Unlike churches of my youth, parking lots are empty and services seemed to be more laid back. Finding a new church isn't always easy. First, I had to whittle the list down by denomination. I realize that many churches have dropped the denomination title from their name but it is important to me. I've been to a church that welcomes all of differing denominations and it is easier to upset people when things are preached or taught that doesn't line up with ones belief system. I would rather know the basics before I go.
Sunday School is important to me. I want to be a serious student of the bible so you better keep me interested and challenged. I went to one church and they had two separate classes for the adults. One was an all men's class which was the one I attended. The "teacher" read the Sunday School book to us word for word. He read slow and some words he had trouble with. He mentioned that one man "laminated' although the correct word was lamented. Seriously? I can read the lesson for myself, understand it better if I had, and I learned nothing except what was on the written page.
One turn off at church is when you arrive, no one says anything to you and no one lingers after service to talk but when the preacher says "turn around and shake hands" everyone wants to act as if you are their best friend. Either talk to me or don't but don't be a phony.
I have sat under some fire and brimstone preachers but for me it is about the message not the delivery. Of course I prefer a sermon to be delivered with some enthusiasm and yelling, romping, stomping, arm waving, foot stomping, leg kicking, amen demanding sermons just don't do it for me. neither do catch phrases like "honey" and amen". One preacher says "honey at least 70 times a message, another says amen after every sentence and twice if amen is part of what he is saying. When they really get warmed up they will say "amen, amen I like it when you say amen, amen. Amen." Please spare me brother.
Don't you just love it when the preacher asks "Can I say something without making you mad?" Well, he either already has or he is going to say it anyway in spite of the fact I answered no. Saying such stuff tells me he don't care what I think.
I don't like preacher who are the opposite of what they claim. Don't tell me you don't fight your battles from the pulpit then stand up and take a parishioner apart because their job changed and now requires them to work on a Sunday now and then or make statements like "well, you can believe what you want too' whenever the Sunday School teacher mentions something you disagree with. Talk to these people in private, please.
If a pastor preachers a sermon and upholds the name of Christ and preaches Jesus and not a bunch of catch phrases then he can hold my attention. I like being able to be a part of the service. It Sunday School I like when the teacher asks questions or gives us a chance to make comments.
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