Thursday, January 12, 2017

Pursuing My Ministry

    My pastor removed me from my position as deacon telling me he believed I should be pursuing my ministry.  He was shocked when I resigned all my duties at the church and gave him my keys.  The only thing he was really concerned about was the changing of the message on the sign which I had done for several years.  I had given that duty to another member but he neither knew what to put on the sign he wasn't motivated to get it changed in a timely fashion.  I had just volunteered to take it back but if being a deacon took too much of my time so as to prevent me from pursuing my ministry then so did each and every duty. 
   The truth is that there are some things we disagreed on and neither of us was going to back down.  He has this humongous ego and he concerns himself right on every issue.  For example, I was teaching a lesson from Revelation where Jesus separates the sheep and the goats.  The sheep were Christians and the goats were lost.  The pastor said he disagreed, that no one would be saved during the tribulation period. 
   Again, teaching from Revelation I made the remark that the new earth and new heavens didn't mean new as in another of the same kind to take the place of but the old remade into something totally different.  but still like unto the first.  I used three baseballs as an illustration.  One ball was dirty and represented the present earth.  The second baseball was brand new but was exactly the same as the first.  To replace the old ball with the new ball was just replacing the dirty with the clean and was really not new but just the old cleaned up.  But neither is the earth and heavens to be replaced with something different, like replacing a baseball with a softball or tennis ball or golf ball or any other kind of ball.  No the new earth would be like the third baseball, brand new but while still a baseball like the old it was different: the same and different at the same time.  The third baseball was a promotional ball printed with the team logo and team colors.   He didn't like that. 
  I made the statement that in the Jewish bible, the phrase "spirit of God' was replaced by the word Wind.  I said I liked the term because it clearly illustrated the nature and character of the Spirit of God.  He didn't like that.
  He didn't like the fact that he couldn't answer my questions in Sunday School.  When we were in the "little church" there were several members who often stated that they loved my teaching.  I think that hurt his ego. 
  Be that as it may, I am venturing out to find opportunities to teach and preach where I am needed and appreciated.  I cannot serve my savior where I am oppressed and hindered.

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