Heather Lowrey’s tweet read, “If someone was cruel enough to assassinate MLK, maybe someone will be kind enough to assassinate Trump. #bekind #trump #lovetrumpshate.”
The tweet has since been removed and her account deactivated.
After the tweet, several employees decided to fire her, including the Va Va Vixen’s burlesque group.
Their statement read:
Please, know that we, at Va Va Vixens, do not condone the behavior of Heather Lowrey. She was dismissed the moment we were informed of this incident. We have a zero tolerance policy for such. It’s no secret that we are in the midst of a divided nation. With so much hate and anger in the world, our hope is to be a sanctuary that welcomes all walks of life with open arms. We do not condone hate by any party and will not partake in it. We in no way support negative behavior or malicious intent from anyone.American Income Life — Travis Moody Offices Kentucky-Indiana also posted a statement the incident on Facebook.
Heather Lowrey is no longer contracted with the Travis Moody Agency. The Travis Moody Agency, its agents and its staff do not share the same views, nor opinions as Heather Lowrey. We have a zero tolerance policy and would never condone this behavior.
The first time I ever heard about something like this I was a Junior in college and a fellow student said that someone should shoot that man, referring to MLK. I told the guy that nothing MLK had ever done warranted a death penalty. We just can't go around shooting people we disagree with. She should indeed be dismissed for such a tweet as this. Advocating the violent out throw of the government (Trump is the executive Branch) is a serious offense.
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