Saturday, February 26, 2011

Asshole, part two

Michael Grzybowicz

Look up asshole on Southgate NBews and you will find this man. He raped a two year old at seaworld.

Friday, February 25, 2011

What hard drugs can do.

copy and paste the above link for some revealing photos.

Maria Aragon

Isaw the you Tube video last week of Maria Aragon or shall I say I watched part of it. I wasn't impressed bt the music, the song, or the singing. I guess I'm just not a Lady GaGa fan.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Being manly can kill you

One would think that being the weaker sex, physically that is, would be a disadvantage in the survival game but being less physically strong would, I would think, make one less likely to be aggressive in a physical way.

Watching TV and reading novels and seeing news headlines makes one believe that most murder victims are women killed by serial killers but the truth is that isn't likely to happen, even is a high risk professional like being a crack addicted street prostitute. Only 100 or so people are killed by serial killers a year out of 15,000 murder victims. Women are most likely to be killed by their husband (half of the 3,000 women killed in the US are murdered by their spouse).

Eighty percent of all murder victims are men though.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wanted: Very Dangerous

He has black hair and brown eyes and two tattoos: a rose with the word “Teon” on one arm and the words “Thug Life” on his chest. He was last seen driving south on High Point Road in a burnt orange Ford LTD with a white vinyl top.

Police ask those with information to call Crime Stoppers at 373-1000.

Shocking News

The controversial police office, Lt. Hinson, of the Greensboro Police Department has been promoted. He is now a captain.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Feeding fish

The unusual high temperatures have caused my fkish to become active and search for food so for the past two days I have fed them. Next week it is supposed to turn cold again with snow possible in the forecast. I'm not sure how that is going to affect my fish.

I did get my garden space tilled the other day (Thursday, I believe) so it will be much easier to work with when planting time comes.

My wife heard frogs out by the pond tonight. I don't hear much myself.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It Isn't what It Is

I was hungry for some Oriental food and I was in Asheboro the other day so i decided it was about time I stopped and get some. I saw this place called the Hibacci Grill and not knowing anything about it, I decided to take a chance. The selection was good and the food okay but I was surprised to see a pan of meat labelled "Prime Rib."

The meat had been cut into 3" x 3" chucks about an inch or so thick and displayed in a pan of some sort of liquid. I've never seen prime rib displayed in such a manner before so I decided to try a piece although I was skeptical of the signs claim. I had every right to be.

In my professional opinion. the beef, and it was beef, was chuck. Chuck has an unmistakable flavor and is stringy and tends to be dry is overcooked. It is best served a little pink but that is hard to maintain on a buffett line.

Prime rib differs from a rib eye in thatg it is cooked as a roast so only the outside is browned and when sliced, the meat is a bright pink. If overcooked, it will tough but not become dry like chuck does.

I know now why the pan was still full even though it was after the normal 11-2 lunch crowd had finished eating.

Will I go back to Hibachi Grill? The price was reasonable: For all one can eat plus drink, the bill was like $10 and some change. The food was fair. I would have to be in one of those moods where nothing but chinese food will satisfy me and I am already in Asheboro, and have to other place to go to satify my cravings to consider it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Half Price

Obama said he would reduce the decifit by 50% by the end of his first term. Most people take that to mean that he would run a surplus high enough that the national debt would decrease. But it is becoming obvious that what he means is that if the deficit was 4 billion dollars additional to the existing debt in year one thyen by year four the country will only go into debt an addtionbal $2 billion dollars.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Lights for Randleman

New traffic lights are being installed at the intersection of Academy and Old High Point Road in Randleman. That intersection is the site of the third round-a-bout. I am assuming the lights are being installed as a means to redirect traffic safely as work is done on the intersection to change it from an intersection to the traffic circle and are not meant to be a permanent feature, just like the jobs that were "created" from our stimulus money, which is where the money came from to build the round-a-bout.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mabarak resigns

What a difference a few hours make. I listened to his speech with interestexpecting to hear him announce his resignation. At the beginning of the speech he promised tio give the people what they wanted. Apparently Obama did too because Obama had announced earlier in the day that history would be made when Mubarak gave his speech. In a way, I suppose it was because it is the first time I ever remember a US President making an announcement of grave importance and being wrong.

Mubarak said in his speech he would not cave to foreign pressure which I understood to mean he didn't give a damn what Obama wanted so I doubt he changed his mind because Obama was embarrassed he announced something was going to happen that didn't. Murbarak probably believed that if he assured the people that he would use his remaining time in office to ensure a smooth transition out of office the people would accept that and go on home. He was wrong.

What happened in Eygpt is a rare event indeed. Most revolutions require plenty of bloodshed. I was pleased when the Army moved in to protect the protesters from attacks by pro-government forces.

Thinking back over US history, had the mindset of today been the prevailing mindset 150 years ago, would history then judge Lincoln to be barbaric? How often today does sentiment rest with the factions in a country trying to separate itself from the mother country like in the breakup of the Soviet Union?

The Eygptians toppled their government peacefully and Sudan divided itself without bloodshed and all this happened within the month. How sad that the Islamic nations cannot let Israel abide in peace. The Jewish people have been the subject of so much hate and violence over the course of their history and only wants to live in peace. Considering what they have been through it is quite understandable their reluntance to trust any Arab country.

I wish that the peaceful change of governement as a result of the Eygptian revolution was the prelude to peace in the middle east but in truth may prove only the beginning of the next global war. If the brotherhood get a good foothold on the leadership, who is to stop them?

Not us, I'm afraid.

Friday, February 11, 2011

What Obama said

"What is absolutely clear is that we are witnessing history unfold," Obama told a crowd

In Obama's statements yesterday propr tp Mubareks sepech Obama left listeners with the impression that Muberek intended to step down immediately but as we all know from Mubareks speech yesterday it just isn't going to happen. It also seemed apparent that the USA had suggested strongly that Mubarek resign and I believe Obama was sure he had convinced Mubarek to do so but the truth is Obama failed in his attempt to control events in Egypt and has actually ended up with egg on his face for announcing a change which wasn't.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Video Won't Work

I have been trying to upload a short video to my blog for two days but it just won't do it and BLOGGER is no help has they have a forum, not a help section, and I don't have time to sit around and wait on someone to answer that thing.

Does anyone have any useful ideas?

The clip is less than six minute's long and in the video file of om computer under documents.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Free Sermon

Reasons NOT to attend One Way Baptist Church in Randleman:

1. The church is small
2. The church building is small
3. The church has few programs
4. The preacher is long winded
5. The preacher is old-fashioned
6. The preacher is not an apologist
7. The preacher is not an expositor
8. The church is not a social club

Reasons to attend One Way Baptist Church:

1. The church is small but wants to grow by adding converts and workers
2. The church has few programs but lots of opportunities
3. The preacher is long-winded and we view it as a good thing as it is inspired preaching.
4. The preacher is old fashioned
5. The preacher is not an apologist
6. The preacher is not an expositor
7. The church has a strong belief in God and trust in Jesus Christ and a love for one another that is rarely found.
8. It is a little light in a dark place. Come early; seating is limited and the services are inspiring.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Sarah Palin, serious candidate or laughing stock?

John mcCain was desperate to revitalize a dying campaign. He needed to find a candidate that would counter Clinton, Obama, and youth as his running mate. He was viewed as too old, too white, and too much like George W. Bush. Who better, he thought, than a young, beautiful, dynamic, proven candidate to shore up his sinking campaign. He choose Sarah Palin.

It didn't work for him. It could have had she been someone people could take seriously. She has the charisma, the fire, and the ambition to be more than she is capable of being. Many men, in thier dreams, are capable of pitching that perfect game in a World Series, or put on a exhibition of broken field running in pulling out the Super Bowl for their team, but it reality all we can do is buy some tickets to a regular season game.

Reality just hasn't sunk in for Sarah Palin yet. When it comes to answering substance questions like "what newspspaers do you read?" or "What was the Reagan Doctrine" or any of a host of other questions a viable candidate should know, she doesn't have a clue.

Adolph Hitler was a master of emotion, as are Penecostal Holiness preachers. if a person can get the mindless masses all worked into an emotional fernzy, they can lead you anywhere, even into murdering millions of people and into putting your life on the line in the belief you deserve to rule the world.

The truth is, the people were innocent and the world is just too big and nasty to be ruled by anyone man. Few us us ever make it to the big leagues. Sarah Palin is like the Scare Crow on the Wizard of Oz: she may be lovable but "if she only had a brain".

Friday, February 04, 2011

Too True

One of my co-workers asked me todday "Who will win the Super Bowl, Pittsburg or Green Bay?" and I said "yes".

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

It takes one to know one.

"Religious leaders are masters of intimidation and veiled threats, and their followers aren’t much better"

According to a blogger, teachers do a poor job of teaching evolution in schools because they are afraid of religious people. Balderdash and baloney.

Evolution is a theory and arguing with a religious person is no more like arguing with a wall than to argue with a contraction that those little red squares are bricks. Just because you do not believe in God or the Genesis account of creation does not make it not so. To a religious person who accepts that premise as true, you are the one who is stubborn and foolish .

I can make the statement that evolutionists have had to use the constitutional provision meant to protect people from the government forcing a particular form of worship upon them to prevent the truth from being taught in school because they just don't want to accept the truth.

That statement might not be true either.

Maybe the truth is that many teachers are just not convinced that evolution is anything more than a theory and not a provable at that and maybe many accept the biblical account of creation and are being forced to teach something that they themselves do not believe is true.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

On Purpose?

I wonder sometimes if Duke loses a basketball game on purpose? With just a little over 4 weeks until the NCAA playoffs begin, I wonder if Duke lost the game just to put themselves in a better position to win? I mean, St. John's at just lost 5 out of 6 games and Duke just moved from 4Th to third in the rankings. To have played so poorly and lost to a struggling team so badly almost seems like it had to be done intentionally. Making only 1 of 13 three point shots and shooting only 27% from the field is bad play against anyone but against St. Johns this year has to be embarrassing. The final score was 93-78. Whenever have you heard of Duke losing that bad?

Sometimes being undefeated and all powerful works to a teams advantage by them being able to intimidate opponents but sometimes it can inspire other teams to play on a higher level. Sometimes being the best can make a team cocky and overconfident. maybe Duke thinks that if it comes into the tournament looking less than perfect and beatable it might not intimidate other teams but not inspire them too play at that higher level either, enabling Duke to play thier normal game and increase their changes for success.