Friday, March 30, 2018


  One Way Baptist had their Revival last week with Pastor Danny Castle.  If you missed him you missed a blessing,  He is a little fireball from the North Carolina Mountains.  He organizes a youth Rally that will be coming soon and there will be thousands' of kids there so don't miss this opportunity.
    Fayetteville Street Baptist held their Revival this week and starting April 1st, Academy Street Baptist in Randleman will be having theirs.  Jake D'Andrea was the quest speaker at both Fayetteville
Baptist and at Academy Street,  Jake is an evangelist known for his work with kids.  He is often found at youth camps.  In fact he will be at the one in Burlington this August.
   Services for April 1st begin at 9:30 am so come join us for breakfast (free0 and the stay for Sunday School at 10, worship service at 11 and the evenings service, the kickoff of the Revival at 7 pm.  Services Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be at 7 pm.
    We really would like for you to join us,

Clinton Speaks

"And I had one of the young people who works for me go back and do a bit of research. They never said that to any man who was not elected. I was kind of struck by that," Clinton said.

  That is a quote from Hillary responding to people who are telling her to "Shut up".  Well, she wanted to be the first women but now can lay claim to being the first Presidential candidate to be told to shut up after losing.  

  Give credit where credit is due.

Friday, March 23, 2018

to shoot or not

Tensing shot Sam DuBose, 43, in the head after pulling him over for a missing front license plate in 2015. He testified that he believed his life was in in danger when DuBose tried to drive away during the traffic stop.

   Somehow, I don't believe that a motorist trying to flee a traffic ticket deserves to be shot.  Even if the policeman was standing in front of the motorist and had to jump out of the way to avoid being struck by the moving vehicle should the officer pull his weapon and fire.  If the man and turned his vehicle around and attempted to strike the policemen and the officer had no place to flee to, then perhaps deadly force would have been justified.  
    Once you have the tag number of the vehicle then it is an easy matter to trace the man and arrest him in a non confrontational manner.  If the tag indicates the vehicle is stolen then radio for help and pursue via policy.  

Teens against gun violence

  A group of teens worked up a skit to demonstrate their frustration with gun violence of school grounds.  They have my full support on that.  In the skit the blame for the violence is place on adults .  A girl in the skit pours a soda slowly on the floor while proclaiming that she will clean up her mess in order to demonstrate the groups assertion that adults promise to stop the violence while doing the same old things that allowed the violence to happen to begin with.
   While I do agree that legislators and school administration can do more things to curb gun violence in schools, many would not be cost effective or welcomed by the students.  I suppose the best method would be to strip search everyone who comes on campus but who wants that?
   From reading about what motivates these shooters, it has occurred to me the problem isn't so much the adults as it is with the kids themselves.  Some classmates are bullied and or ignored.    It is difficult to feel as if you are an outcast and even harder when you are picked on for being different.  The problem with being different is that we are all different.  While it is true that some people are cruel and different and it really isn't safe to be around them most kids are picked on because of their size or their looks.  Years of frustration and anger build up and sometimes those pent up feelings are unleased by acts of violence.
   The best way to prevent school violence is by the kids themselves:  stop picking on other kids and embrace them and not just ignore others.  In other words, take away the reason for others to hate or resent you and you take away their motivation to exact revenge.
  The kids need to own up to their own failures and their own part in gun violence and quit blaming adults.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

pan sexual

  When I was young people with a deviate sexual preference  was referred to as queer.  Queers were either men or women but they were all queer.  As time progressed they became know as gays and lesbians and even later they quit being sexually deviate  and were just practicing an alternative lifestyle.  Then we discovered that some people liked both sexes so the were called bi.  Then a movement was began and it was referred to as the gay movement or the GLB movement As time went on more letters were added include the Q for queer, which I thought had been deemed offensive but not offensive enough for r the LGBQ to not use the term.
  Recently I discovered another term and that  term is pan sexual.  Miley Cyrus considers herself pansexual, or at least she claims that title for herself but then again she did promise to leave the country if Trump was elected but she is still here so she is a liar and undependable.  Pan sexual is a real term meaning that one is willing to have sex with anyone, regardless of color, gender, or genetic makeup.
  How gross.

inappropriate comment

   A man went to use the restroom and had to remove his pistol in order to use the facilities.  He exited the restroom, forgetting to retrieve his gun.  The gun was discovered and the group leader informed.  The gun was returned but instead of letting that be the last of the incident, the leader just had to tell someone and did but within earshot of the gun owner.  Not only was the story told but the leader called the man stupid.
  Needless to say the gun owner was upset and rightfully so.  Yes, he did a dumb thing especially considering the person after him to use the restroom was a child.  Fortunately the child was accompanied by an adult who secured the gun then notified the leader.  If the leader had been as discrete as the person who found the gun then the incident would have been handled.  I'm sure that others were told of the incident increasing the embarrassment of the gun owner.  

Sunday, March 18, 2018


  Academy Street Baptist hosted the Anchormen last night and the Anchormen gave a good performance.  The Anchormen sang at the church a year ago for Jim's kids.  These were not those Anchormen. Last year there were four of them, of which two were new.  This year there   were three of them, neither of which was of the four that sang a year ago.  The lead singer was hilarious and the group, while different,  sang many of the old Anchormen songs and captured much of the Anchormen sound.  The most noticeable difference was the trio lacked a bass singer.
  I don't believe this new group has the following of the elder Anchormen
If I had to describe their looks, I would say: Bill Clinton, Chuck Norris, and the Cheshire cat from Alice and Wonderland.  The Cheshire cat was the funny one.  

Stephen Hawkins has passed

Stephen Hawkins was regarded by many as the most intelligent man alive, a noted physicists, and an avowed atheist.  He believed that everything in existence was created in a Nano-second and that the world will be destroyed by our smart devices, not by fire or war.
   The biggest problem I have with his big bang theory is that there had to be something it existence in order to create a bang.  And if what did exist was an energy field how could it have created anything.  Most explosions destroy.  To me it takes more faith to believe that before anything was there was something and  it collided with another non existent something and created precious metals, animal and plant life, water, suns and moons and other planets, and gravity, and the animals and plants are able to reproduce than to believe that an intelligent being created what is.
    When an explosion happens particles move outward and an expanding rate becoming more distant from the other particles.  That is what is happening with our solar system If one reverses the direction of all the particles eventually one comes to the beginning.    It's sort of like watching a video in reverse.  if we could do so we would discover what caused creation.
   One of the first rules of science I learned was that nothing can be created from nothing.  The question that Stephen Hawkins was trying to answer with his Big Bang theory is where did stuff come from  and his answer is that there was an explosion and everything was created in a split second.  But the theory doesn't answer the original question:  Where does stuff come from?  If it did, then it would explain where the stuff that caused the Big Bang come from.
   Another law of science states that if something doesn't change it has no beginning nor an end.  There is only one thing that never changes and that thing is God.  God said He would destroy the earth by fire, not smart devices.
  I believe God.

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Upcoming Revival

   One Way Baptist is having Revival services beginning March 19 with Danny Castle beginning at 7 pm nightly.  Want to get recharged then be sure to attend every night.  Academy Street Baptist is having their Revival services beginning April 1.  Mark D'andrea is speaking that week.  Sunday services will be at 6.  I'm not sure of the remaining times.  Also on April 1st, which is also Easter Sunday Academy Street will have breakfast beginning at 9:30 am so you are welcome to come.  No charge  to anyone.  Pick one or the other or come to both.


I've been doing water aerobics for three years now but recently have added walking to my exercise routine.  I do water aerobics Monday Wednesday and Friday and I walk Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.  I walked an hour on Mondays and thirty minutes to an hour the other two days.  Swim classes are an hour but I always get to the pool thirty minutes early and exercise on my own.
   The first time I walked I managed 22 laps in 30 minutes and I had to give it up.  Monday I walked 56 laps in an hour and today I walked 30 laps in 30 minutes.  Sometimes it's hard to get motivated, especially about walking but I do it anyway.  

Friday, March 02, 2018

Saving money on shaving

  The modern day three and four blade razor blades are fabulous for smooth and comfortable shaves but they are also expensive.  My blades say to change every two weeks but I know some who change blades after three shaves.  Ouch.  If you have plenty of money that's fine but I'd rather save mine for something I want or need instead of financing the lifestyle of the rich and famous.
  The secret is baby oil.  I was told the secret was keeping ones blade dry and I tried that but after 30 days I needed to change my blade.  Then I started coating the blade with baby oil and that helped the blade last up to six weeks.  Sometimes I would get 5 or 6 weeks per blade but not normally.  Then I hit upon the idea of the baby oil soak.
    Coating the blade with baby oil had one big drawback and that was gravity as over time the oil drained off the blade.  I took an old travel soap dish (one can be picked up at a dollar store or Walmart for cheap) and filled it half way with baby oil and just let my razor soak in it.  The oil couldn't drain off and I actually used much less baby oil than before.  I got twelve months of smooth and comfortable shaves.  I just changed blades on March 1 and took my first shave today and my old razor blades were just as comfortable and shaved as well as the new blades.