Drink the Kool-Aid: prescription drugs are responsible for more deaths than traffic accidents. Prescription drugs such as painkillers are killing more people than top illegal substances like cocaine and heroin combined, while selling rates soar — as well as unnecessary painkiller use.
Not only are pharmaceutical painkillers and other dangerous drugs like antipsychotics handed out like candy, but some are even introduced without testing, or even use perverted study results in an attempt to convey the false image of legitimacy. Drug companies like Merck and Baxter are notorious for their grimy misconduct and fraudulent practice in fervent promotion of their dangerous products.
The most ridiculous fact is that these drugs are legally pushed thanks to careless FDA regulation, and receive little scrutiny by the mainstream legal establishment despite many prominent health officials speaking out. These drugs are cleverly concealed under the guise of ‘treating’ disease, while substances like marijuana thathave actually been linked to improved health are categorized as highly illegal and dangerous by the federal government.
This is a literal Pharmageddon in which medical science peddles harmful pharmaceuticals while toting the supposed dangers of vitamins and minerals.
Of course in the past 27 years vitamins have been effectively linked to 0 deaths, while pharmaceuticals have killed over 3 million individuals
You’re all on Drugs