Friday, October 31, 2014

It's not to late to change your mind

There is a hotly contested senate race with Kay Hagan and Tom Tillis trying to win.  voting for one of them is like deciding to shoot yourself in the head or in the mouth:  the results are still suicide.  If each candidate is as evil as the other one says, then we need neither.  I'm not voting for Tom Tillis because Kay Hagan supports the President anymore than I would vote of Kay Hagan because Tom Tillis sides with big business over the individual.  To me that indicates but are wrong. 
   I wish we had a third option, and not just a candidate from a third party, but a choice to vote against a candidate.  Say, if there are 100 people voting and 7 vote for the third party then one of the two main candidates will win, even if half the voters don't vote because they like neither candidate.      
 But what if those fifty who voted didn't like either candidate either but just felt compelled to pick the lesser of two evils.  Well, that's like only putting 4 bullets in a six shooter and only pulling the trigger 3 times:  you are still dead. 
    It would make sense to put an against option on the ballet.  That way you can vote for one, or vote for the other or vote against both.  That option gives power to people who are feed up with no real voice in the community.  Up till now the only choice you have is to vote for one or the other or not vote and let someone choose for you.  With the against option then if neither candidate is acceptable
the there is a chance enough against votes will force the parties to pick more acceptable candidates. 
   But for now we are stuck with the old system.  Vote but for for the third party: no one is saying anything bad a out them. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Does sentimental value remain after death?

 A lady grew up during the depression and over the course of her lifetime she had purchased items that meant something to her and some other things were given to her.  She has lived in the same home for almost sixty years.  It's a small two bed room ranch home.  She had a collection of dinner bells, probable three or four hundred of them. 
  I said had as if she were dead already but she isn't.  One of her sons is having her move in with him with the intention of bringing her home so she can die in her own home.  The home is neat but every square inch of storage space is utilized to the max.  There is the attic, the partial basement and the storage space under the deck.  The carport was converted into a living space. 
   She said that she wants items personal to her to remain so she can be surrounded by the objects she loves at her death.  I don't know if it is possible for things to happen the way she wants  but that is the plans.  We always don't get to pick where we will be when we die.
    The house is stuffed full of stuff, there is damage to some of the walls and ceilings and it has lots and lots of furniture.  Somehow one of the brothers, the successful rich one, thinks he can clean the house and get it ready to sell in three or four days.  I know what his intentions are.  He'll hire a professional cleaning crew who will bring out a dumpster and he'll instruct them to throw everything thanks in the house into it, then have them wash and mop and think he's done a good job. 
   Mom loves her stuff  plus there is a lot of value, intrinsic and sentimental, to many of the objects she has.  If the items meant a lot to her should her children value that item as well and see that it is sold or given a good home or should it just be junked like worthless trash?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I Apologize

I owe my pastor and my Sunday School class an apology which I will deliver in person at the beginning of my next class.  A month or so ago I asked the question "Which tribes belonged to the Southern Kingdom of Israel"? The pastor gave the correct answer but I stated the correct answer as Rueben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh which is incorrect.  Those tribes and half tribe are the peoples of Israel that did not cross over the river Jordon when Israel entered the Promised Land.  The correct answer, as stated by the pastor, was indeed Judah and Benjamin.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Security sorta works

Friday night I left my rock bar, a plastic cart, and my potato hoe in my trailer so I could have an early start Saturday morning when I planned on taking advantage of the cities annual mulch sale.  I needed some at the church around the trees I planted and I needed a little more at home.  With the 4-prong potato hoe it is much easier to unload the mulch than with a steel rack.  Saturday morning it was missing.
   I am meticulous about putting my tools away but I thought just once for my convenience I would leave the potato hoe out so the beeping of the shed alarm wouldn't bother my sleeping wife.  The first and only time I've left a tool out and it turns up missing.  Go figure. 
   I didn't lose much as far as monetary value as the head of the potato digger once belonged to my neighbor.  Someone set his shed on fire .and the wooden handle of the digger burned off so he just tossed what was left away.  I just happened to have a broken handle from an old tool so I put the potato digger head on my old handle and duct taped it on.  It made a useful tool which I have used for several years now.  One thing for sure, it wasn't worth the price of the penalty one would have to pay if they were caught stealing it. 
   I'm sure they didn't take the plastic cart because it would have been too big and cumbersome for a quick grab and run theft.  The thing of value was the rock bar but it was black and was in a black trailer at night and mostly covered by the tarp.    I'm sure if given a choice most people would much rather have had the rock bar, especially if they were taking something to sell.  The potato digger is virtually worthless. 
   I'm not sure what would have been taken if I didn't have a security system.  My shed is wired with an alarm system as is my house.  I also have motion sensory lights on the front porch and back porch as well as on the driveway side of the shed.  I would like to think the motion sensor lights would have come on and frightened the thief away (but only after the thief took my potato digger). 

what is fair isn't always fair.

what is fair isn't always fair. Strange headline I know but it is true.  Here is the situation.  Mom is almost blind and deft and has become feeble in the past few weeks that it has become obvious she can no longer take care of herself.  Mom has three sons, one lives in Georgia, one in South Carolina and one in Randleman.  Mom lives in Hickory. 
   My younger brother is a businessman and has made a lot of money .  Even though he is retired, he is still working full time.  My older brother is a plant manager for a large manufacturing plant and makes a descent salary.  He also draws social security.  My one sister-in-law, my younger brothers wife is also an accountant and she still works. 
   I'm retired and do not work and my wife is disabled.  We have always been just plain ole working stiffs, church going people who support their church to the tune of at least 15% of their income and sometimes to to 20%.  Honestly if we didn't give we would have never made it.  Seriously.
   Anyway, Mom will have to either have an in home care giver or go into a rest home.  If she takes the second offer then my younger brother has purposed three solutions, the first two are out of the realm of possibilities.  The third is doable and fair.  We float a loan, split the downpayent three ways and well as the monthly payment  it seems fair anyway.  Except for one thing.  I'm the only one who doesn't work and the only one who lives close enough to take care of the house.  Afterall, the assests have to be liquidated or disposed of, the house cleaned and the repair work completed. 
  Yea, it would be nice to split the cost three ways then have just one brother do all the physical labor but that isn't fair, is it/ 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Any teachers out there?

Have my Sunday School class does their lessons but the other half makes no effort at all.  If I ask a question I gey no response from anyone even though they have the answer.  it seems I can never illcit much of a response much less a discussion.  So, how do I get more class participation?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

12 year old commits suicide over cyber bullying

In todays news a twelve year old girl killed herself because of being bullied.  Not physically bullied.  No, that had stopped when she changed schools.  No, she was being bullied on the internet, in particular on Facebook.  I have a Facebook account.  I have friends on Facebook.  In order to be my friend I have to accept your invite.  You can't be my friend unless I want you to be.  Even then if you post something I don't like I can delete that post and if you persist I can unfriend you.  I don't have to belong to Facebook either.  In fact, I don't have to participate in social media at all. 
   You cannot bully me unless I allow you to bully me.  This young girl killed herself over something someone said that they didn't have to read.  How very sad. 

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Sometimes its better not to do any favors

My wife and I stopped at Wendy's today.  I wanted to try their new BBQ sandwich.  I ordered a BBQ sandwich and a soda and my wife wanted the BBQ fries and a lemonade.  "I can save you money if you get the combo. " 
   "But I don't want fries' I replied. 
 Well the clerk rang me up a small combo anyway. 
  The BBQ sandwich was $4.49, the BBQ fries was $2.89, the soda was a $1.49 and the lemonade was &1.79 for a total of $10.66 (not including tax)
   The clerk rang up a small combo at $6.69, a BBQ fry at 2.89, a lemonade at 1.79 and a soda at 1.49  which totaled 12.86.  I explained to the clerk that she charged me for a soda that was supposed to be include and didn't give me a fry which goes with a combo.  I didn't want the fries to begin with so I made her cancel the entire order and ring it the way it should have been totaled to begin with.  While she was re-ringing the order other workers were busy filling my tray with sandwiches I didn't order. 
   The whole incident left a bad taste in my mouth (pardon the pun) embarrassed the clerk, I'm sure and put a damper on an otherwise perfect day.  I don't know why I have such a hard time when I go into a restaurant,  especially a fast food joint.  I speak slowly and clearly but it seems there is always a problem.  I went to Bo jangles once and every time I named an item I want the clerk would yell it into his mike.  What he rang up, what I ordered and what I was given didn't even come close to being the same. 
  Once at Arby's I ordered an apple turnover and was given a cherry one with chocolate glaze.  My wife and I were going to split it so I cut it in two pieces.  My wife took a piece to show the clerk we had received the wrong turnover.  In stead of fixing the problem the clerk said 'Well, I see you've  already eaten half of it."  I took the other half up and asked for an apple turnover, not saying anything about her smart remark.  This time I received a chocolate turnover.  This time I took the whole thing back and asked for a refund.  The clerk at first refused and tried to make me wait until she found an apple turnover. 
   I went to Hardees and ordered two cod fillet sandwiches and a chicken  burrito.      I was given two chicken sandwiches and a fish taco. 
 If it happened just once and in a while, which I fully expect it does to every one, it would be understandable.  I think the problem is most clerks really don't know how to think and customers don't know how to order.  A clerk normally has to ask a customer a lot of questions in order to record an order. 
    I'll go into, say Burger King, and say "This order is dine-in.  I want  the number 2 combo, small, with cheese, light mayo, lettuce and tomato and a number two combo, small, no cheese, with onion rings instead of fries."  More often than not, the clerk will ask ;Is this dine-in or carry-out?" 
So now I have to repeat the entire order and when I'm finished the second time the clerk asks "Did you want cheese on both combos?" 
  I thought maybe I was giving the clerk too much information at once so I decided to be like every one else and make the clerk ask.  My order was still screwed up. 
  In all honesty I appreciate the girl at Wendy's  efforts to save me some money and if I had received the fries and not been double charged on the soda I would have not said anything about the fries I really didn't want.  When I placed my order and it seemed obvious she wasn't going to ring it like I asked her too It was just far easier to let her do it her way.  For the most part most places quickly correct mistakes and I realize most fast food clerks are young and inexperienced so I'm patient with them.  But tonight was different.  The clerk wanted to argue with me that she was saving me money by charging me for something I didn't want, couldn't understand when I explained I hadn't received what I had been charged for, gave me a refund and then tried to charge me again for what she just gave me a refund on.  Sometimes it is just best to not do some one a favor.      

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Sold out but disappointed

    One might not think it strange that a free concert was booked solid but just because it is free doesn't mean people will take advantage of it.  I learned that when our church had a few hot dog supper for the community and no one came.  The truth is we could have sold a lot more than we gave away.  Anyway, David Jeremiah had a free  service at the coliseum Thursday and I enjoy David Jeremiah.  I heard him speak live in Myrtle beach at the annual "Singing at the Beach' a few years back and I still remember his message.  But Thursday night was a night to forget, for sure. 
   I believe music should always honor God and reflects His truths.  I am not about to speak for God and even propose what type of music God likes to listen too but I have never seen drums listed among the instruments used to praise God in the scriptures.  One song claimed that the singer was God's friend because god was his.  Friendship implies equality and I just don't feel comfortable equating myself with God. God is my creator and the bible instructs us to fear God and tells us plainly to fear Him who can take both body and soul.  Oh I know there is a hymn that says "Oh what a friend we have in Jesus" and I love that him.  The difference is that hymn isn't putting us on an equal footing with God but giving God the glory for all the wonderful things that Jesus did for us when He died upon the cross for our sins.  The song does not imply that the singer and God are best buddies. 
     The music I suffered through because I came to hear a message from God and to give praise to Him but instead the sermon was nothing more than a book promotional speech.  Yea, I purchased a book because it was on a topic I was interested in and I had looked into buying the book earlier but at $39.95 for the book from Amazon I thought I could find equally as good a resource at a much better price.  At the meeting I purchased the book for $20.00 while the music was going on. 

   What I did enjoy was the Fellowship meeting last night.  It was in Albemarle which was a long lonely drive through the countryside in the piedmont of North Carolina and the preachers there were pastors of small churches for sure.  No one there will ever pastor a mega church or even draw a crowd at a free event but then again they are preaching the word of God and not trying to sell books. 
There is no compromising on the translation of the bible they use, on the type of music that is sung, and no personal agenda to be promoted.  They don't talk about their wife and kids or brag about what ministries they are involved in.  They just preach the gospel.

   There was one preacher there from Kenya who oversees 7 churches and several different programs and only receives support of $250.00 a month.  I would much rather support him than David Jeremiah. 
   Don't get me wrong.  I am not putting down David Jeremiah or his ministry.  If one can reach people and allow God to save their souls then they have my support.  I'm not disappointed and non supportive of the ministry of David Jeremiah: I'm just disappointed that the opportunity to inspired thousands of Christians was used a a promotional opportunity for his new book.