Sunday, December 28, 2008

When Bush was first elected everything he did was news. I even thought that maybe how many times he visited the toliet and what kind of tissue he used would make it into the national news. Now, it takes something out of the ordinary before anyone pays any attention to what he does.

I hope it is soon that way with the Obama's. I don't give a rat's ass what kind of dress Michelle wears or whether his daughters will have a normal life. And futhermore, they can buy a dead dog for all I care.

A person is elected President to do a job and it's the job function I want to know about. I can give a damn about the person. Just like movie stars and other entertainers. Screw Award shows and scandal sheets. I don't care about their personal lives either so please quit trying to keep me informed.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

"Even in this process, without saying too much, that was all about trying to end up with the right decision that could do the most things for the people of Illinois, and when the full truth is told, you will see precisely that," Blagojevich said.

This report of an interview with Gov. Blagojevich reminds me of many stories I've read about abusive, manipulative people, almost always men, who want to blame the victim and/or at least justify their actions by confusing the victim and making their own actions appear less evil and maybe downright beneficial for the victim.

It's kind of like being a victim of an armed robber who stuck a loaded pistol in your face. He then claims the loaded pistol was for your own protection because without it you might have resisted his attempts and with him being bigger than you he would have had to beat you up. " The pistol was the reason you walked away from this unharmed" he would claim. And as for taking your money? That was for your own benefit too: or at least the benefit of society.

You would have either wasted it or used it for a selfish purpose. The robber, on the orther hand, used it to help a man/woman/family stay off welfare thereby benefitting the whole of society and reducing the crimes against property in your city. Nevermind that he purchased illegal drugs to get high, or alcohol to get drunk , or both with the money he stole from you.

Yes, Governor, you do live on another planet.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Now that Christmas is over I can begin working on my next book. Unfortunately I have to go back to work and won't have a day off for four or five more days. I need peace and quite to write and with my wife working second it's difficult to work it out. She goes to work at four and I have to be in bed by seven most nights after a day off.

Christmas was great, especially for my Mom. I hope yours was as well.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Is anyone following the Caylee. Casey Anthony case. I was just wondering about the body found .3 miles from the Casey Anthony home and why with all the searches held my local authorities and equalsearch that no one found it. It seems one should start from ground zero and search outward but maybe the organizers figured no one would be stupid enough to hid a body that close to home.

Well, if one is so dumb as to lose their 2 year old and not report it to the police, they are about dumb enough to do anything.

In a way I am hoping it isn't Caylee but if it isn't that means another child is dead and Caylee is still missing. One child lost is one too many. Perish the thought that there be two out there.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It seems one of the big news items in science this week is that Christ may have been born in June. That should be news only to non-Christians. The faithful have acknowledged and accepted that probability for decades

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Imagine you are still young and at the beach, staying in a nice hotel. After a day walking the sand, you head for your room to change into something for the evening and you hear some pretty cool musc coming from a band somewhere in the motel. After showering and changing into some shorts and a polo shirt, you decide to check out the local bars but you hear the music again and decide to check it out first.

You quickly discover it is a concert sponsored by the motel and it is free for motel quest. Knowing that you aren't really dressed properly for such an occasion but curious as to what the concert is really like, you enter.

Cool, you think.

You are just about to leave when you spot her across the room. She is the cutest person you can ever remember seeing and as reluctant as you are to let her see you dressed down at such a function, you cannot help but let yourself be drawn across the room. There she is, dressed in a sheer black dress and her black pumps, so tiny and sexy and oh so cute. You extent your hand and as she turns to look at you, you ask her to dance. To your surprise she takes your hand in hers and replies"I'd be delighted".

As you guide her onto the dance floor the music changes to a waltz. You hold her close and glide across the dance deck as if you were dancing on a cloud. You take a deep breath finding her scent to be intoxicating. After the song is finished you suggest that the two of you step onto the balcony to take in the views and a little fresh air.

The sun is setting and the color of the skies is breathtaking and the breeze is perfectly refreshing. Standing behind her with your arms around her. she pull her gently against your body. You feel the outline of of small body against you and are excited when her butt cheeks are resting gentle against your right thigh. You brush her hair aside with your chin and plant a quick kiss upon her right cheek. Just as you do this, you feel it--a small puff of warm air.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

When I was younger I favored muscle cars and when I got married I choose large family sedans. After my family was grown, I switched to p/u trucks until gas became too expensive to enjoy my favorite ride. Now I drive a Echo, 41 mpg highway and it's an okay ride. One thing I have discovered is that the small car is actually safer to drive than some of the larger vehicle's I've owned.

Maybe I wouldn't be as fortunate in an actual accident but I've discovered than it is much easier to avoid trouble in the small, more maneuverable car. It stops quicker, accelerates fast, and takes little room to change direction.
"Anna is an outsider here. Her parents are Chinese, but she cannot talk to her schoolmates because she grew up in America"
That quote is from an AP story about Anna He. born in the USA but now reunited with her birth parents in China. Somehow I just don't believe being born in the USA makes one unable to speak Chinese. She doesn't speak Chinese because no one has taught her the language.

Don't you just hate it when the media prints an untruth just to make a point. Shame on the AP and other, so-called journalist who ignore the real truth.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Why do smart peole stumble over their words so much when talking about a subject they are familiar with?
Can Obama save Detroit?

No, but he can walk on water.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Frankly investors, I don't give a damn who Obama picks for this post or if GM is making money or if Wal-mart loses a dollar or two. Please explain to me why the stock market takes these crazy wild swings based on feelings?

Stay home, leave your money alone and we will all get rich.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am a WASP and because I am the son of an independent fundamental premillinial country Baptist minister from the deep rural South I was once told I was the worst kind of WASP. I was on a flight from Atlanta to San Diego and my seatmate was a beautiful college student from UCLA and she was uncomfortable sitting next to me on that long flight. She was black and considered me one of her oppressors.

She was shocked when she saw that I was reading "Soul on Ice" and rather flabbergasted when I stated that the book expressed some good ideas. She thought I was taught by my parents to be prejudiced but I learned tolerance and understanding from from Geneva. a young and pretty black lady my parents hired to help around the house when Mom was hospitalized.

No, I didn't vote for Obama. I didn't vote for Gore or Kerry or Clinton and I most certainly didn't vote for Carter either. I could have voted for Hillary or Rice or Powell but they were not nominated.

Has Obama's election effected me personally? Yes, I believe it has. I believe the world has more respect for America now because other countries now believe that we can put aside prejudices and racial bigotry and if we can do that, maybe we can see others in a clearer light. I've always tried to do what is right and to treat everyone equally. But know, I think I go beyond that. I now have a respect and a pride in others as much for their differences as for our similarities.

I read a cartoon when I was young and the cartoonists printed the message that the three things people are most pround of-race, place, and face-are the three things we have the least control over. None of us can choose where we were born, what we look like, or what color our skin is.

I'm tired of the hate.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Alaskan says he accidentally stole car

That could be true. I did once. It was at a Ford Dealership in Hickory, NC back in the 70's. I had dropped my brand new car off for repairs and my salesman told me I could borrow his car. "It's the little red convertible out back. The keys are in it."

Sure enough, there was a little red convertible with the keys in it around back. I drove it to work. Unfortunately it wasn't his little red convertable. Luckily I never got pulled over. I should have though. I worked at the county courthouse and parked in full full of the Newton Police Department and I had to drive past the County Highway Patrol Station three times that day.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Now that Barack Obama is the President-elect, are political cartoonist and late-night TV jokesters soon to be struggling for material. I've heard that Barack Obama was born in a manger, build a log cabin before he was three, and is now busy constructing his plan to rebuild American in his own image, having grow to a god-like status, equal in stature and importance with the prophet Mohammad.

So I was wondering if one will be able to draw a funny picture of him without facing the indignation of a swarm of supporters and be sentenced to death with a chant of "Die, Christian, Die"?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Now that Obama is President I am wondering if we now have a President that is more than rhetoric.

One news commentator said tat if Obama won then Democrats shoud be gracious winners. They should reassure Republicans by saying that Obama will not raise taxes except for a good cause like providing wedding cakes to all newlywed gay couples.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It's election day and in a few hours it should be all over, including the shouting. I've heard Barrack Obama called the devil, the anti-christ, a Muslim, a foreigner, inexperienced, a friend of terroists, as well as the second-coming, a visionary, the leader for change, charismatic, and an insiration. If he wins, and he should as the news media has been shoving him down our throats for a year and trying to shame white McCain supporters in voting for him lest they show their tru bigo colors, it shouldn't take the country long to figure out just wehat kind of leader he is and where he intends to take this country.

George Bush wasn't the worst President this country has ever had. I believe that honor should go to Jimmie Carter. In fact, I believe that once our troops are out of Iraq and Barrack Obama is sitting around a negotiating table chatting it up with our adversaries, the truth of what Bush was trying to accomplish will hit home--and in a very sad way.

How can we trust the word of people who executed a 13-year old girl for because she dared claim she was gang raped? In America you have the right to call me an idiot for believing in Jesus Christ. In many parts of the world you would have the right to put me to death.

Barrack Obama says that we should ask ourselves if we would be better off 4 years from now. I can't see how the answer to that question really matters. The fate of this country doesn't lie in whether we elect a Democrat, Republican, or Libeterian to the Oval office and it certainly doesn't lie in the fact that the person we elect is old, black, or female. The coarse of this country is already set and it is a course that none of us can change.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Caylee Anthony Search

Posted By:David Lohr
Hosted By::Texas EquuSearche-mail
When:Saturday Nov 08, 2008at 8:00 AM
Where:Caylee Anthony Command Post10300 Boggy Creek RoadOrlando, Florida10 32824United States View Map
Please join in the official search for Caylee Marie Anthony
Please RSVP to this event

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function DropDownSelect(o,v){for(var i=0;i

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The search is set to begin at 8 a.m., on Saturday, Nov. 8, 2008 and will continue until further notice.EquuSearch will be in need of foot searchers, ATV's and horse searchers, along with volunteers to man the command post. All volunteers are welcome. You must be 18-years-old and present a valid photo ID. Plan to wear long pants, long sleeve shirt, have a walking stick, good walking shoes or boots and bug spray.For more details, visit: Discovery will be on the scene in Florida, bringing you all the latest updates on the search effort. Updates will be posted to: copy and paste this into a bulletin or email and send it to all your friends.
Hosted By: Texas EquuSearchWhen: Saturday Nov 08, 2008 at 8:00 AMWhere Caylee Anthony Command Post10300 Boggy Creek RoadOrlando, Florida10 32824United StatesDescription:Texas EquuSearchClick Here To View Event" name=body>
Hosted By: Texas EquuSearchWhen: Saturday Nov 08, 2008 at 8:00 AMWhere Caylee Anthony Command Post10300 Boggy Creek RoadOrlando, Florida10 32824United StatesDescription:Texas EquuSearch Click Here To View Event" name=body>
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David Lohr

Friday, October 31, 2008

Who's to blame for the credit mess this country is in?

I am.

No, I didn't buy a home with a sub-prime mortgage and fail to pay and no, I don't work for any financial firm nor did I think up any of these creative loan packafes or the debt crdit swap thing that is a disease carrier threatning to kill the world with financial ruin.

No, I don't owe more on my credit cards than I can repay. In fact, I rent and own no credit cards and I work for a retailer who just announced their best year in the history of the company.

I did buy a new car but I didn't incur any additional debt to do so and my wife works as well.

Why is it, when something goes wrong we start running around looking to see whose fault it is.

We looked for someone in the government to blame after Pearl Harbor. It was the Japanese stupid. It was a surprise attack.

We looked for someone to blame for 9/11. It was terroists. It was a surprise attack.

We are now looking for someone to blame for the financial cricis.

Now you have someone. feel better?

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Howard Coble: Mr. Speaker, today the Sixth District of North Carolina is mourning the loss of life of one of our own in the tragic, senseless violence which has assaulted our nation. Sandy Bradshaw, who was just 38 years old, and lived in Greensboro, was a flight attendant on United Airlines flight 93 that was hijacked and crashed outside Pittsburgh. She leaves behind her husband, Phil, her daughter, Alexandria, 2, and her son, Shenan, not yet one. Members of the Bradshaw's church, Westminster Presbyterian Church, have described Sandy as friendly, outgoing, bubbly and devoted to her family. I have spoken at Westminster Presbyterian Church, have met many members of the congregation and I join them in their sorrow.
I voted in Asheboro where it wasn't a long wait and the ballots were in large print, the directions explained and easy to understand, and both electronic and paper ballots where used.
“Hope to elect the first black president of the United States"

That's what I'm talking about Willis. They don't give a damn if he is Democractic, Republican, male female, Baptist or Atheist, tall. short, fat, or bi-sexual. All they carwe about is that the candidate is black.

And they want to call be a bigot if I don't vote for him.