Saturday, November 26, 2016

military discounts

Both Home Depot and Lowes Hardware give veterans a discount; however, Home Depot only gives discounts to disabled veterans while Lowes honors all. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

How to survive post-election Thanksgiving

Ellen Degenerate is making a TV show about how to survive Thanksgiving after the election like the election would really spoil the turkey.  I have no interest in what she has to say.

anti-trump protests

  Sitting the elected President seems more controversial this year than ever; even more so than George W. Bush in either of his elections.  I can understand why but it's the Democrats fault that Trump won.  I'm not sure what they are protesting for or protesting against or whether they are protest for or against anything. 
  Protest in the 60's didn't stop the Vietnam War.  All those protests accomplished is bring in the drug culture that has plagued our country ever since.  Trump was elected President because he had certain policies and he will be sat as President in spite of any and all protests.  I'm not even sure if it is he the protesters object to or his policies but the time to protest was at the ballot box. 
  I'm sure that the protesters were so confident that Hillary was going to win that they didn't think it was necessary to get out and work for victory or to even insure that their party had a viable candidate.  This election was not about which person was best for the job.  It was about policies that have been driving a wedge between us for years.  Black versus white, citizenship rights versus illegal immigrants, English versus Spanish, and states rights versus federal control. 
  With the mandate that we must purchase health insurance many feel that the federal government has overstepped it's boundaries in order to force us to spend money in a certain way but to force those with a descent income to pay more for the same things and to supplement those that cannot or do not choose to pay for their own. 
   Some feel to allow undocumented immigrants to stay in this country and provide them benefits is akin to having ones home broken into and then have the law not arrest them but to actually force you to let them stay and require you to feed, clothe and educate them and then shame you for not honoring their traditions or honoring your own.   I can understand why people are feed up with this system.  What makes matters even worse the government them charges you two to three times as much for health care as you once paid while providing the people that broke into your home healthcare at no or little cost. 
  Hillary Clinton claims to be a child advocate

Unwanted Touching

   It's hard to believe that someone would walk up to an obviously pregnant woman and touch her belly but it does happen.  What would really be bad if the woman wasn't really pregnant but the point is not pregnancy but unwanted touching.  I think it is rude (and it is actually illegal) to touch someone without their permission. 
   I worked in retail most of my working life and occasionally someone would touch me to get my attention.  That really irritated me.  It was my desire to touch them on the nose with my closed hand. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Repeal of the Affordable Care Act by MSN

Repeal of the Affordable Care Act
Trump has repeatedly pledged to repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as a high priority, and the Republican-led Congress is likely to agree. So far, details about any possible replacement program are scant, if there will even be a replacement.

   I watched an interview with Mr. Trump yesterday and he said that when the ACA was repealed there would be a replacement in place.  We would not even go two minutes without a replacement in place and it will be cheaper.

  It's a shame the news media can't report the facts but instead choose to spread fear. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Establishment shocked,

     The headlines read "Establishment shocked as Trump wins.  I understand there are protest against Trump in parts of the country.  Apparently some people just don't understand how a democracy with free and fair elections work.  Majority wins and the minority goes along.  The Democrats had the Presidency the last eight years and the country is the worse for it.  I'm not saying I liked George Bush but in reality his biggest problem was he was to loyal to Donald Rumsfeld. 
  I did not vote for Senator McCain for President so don't think I am a died in the wool, die hard Republican.  I am a free thinking American that votes what I believe to be right.  I wanted neither Clinton or Trump to win as neither is the type of leader this country needs.  Hillary is constantly making bad choices and Donald is a bad choice.  But Donald Trump was elected and he will serve his four years and then we get to vote again.  Until then don't tear the country apart because you don't agree with the majority. 
  In a way it's funny because the Democrats view themselves as open minded yet time  and time again they prove themselves to be open minded about ideas that go against the norm but extremely closed minded about the ideas of people who disagree with their ideas.  Some are now acting like spoiled little brats who are having a fit because they didn't get what they wanted.  No one did you wrong, protesters.  It is just most people did not see things your way this go around.  Many people had to suck it up under Obama for the last eight years. 
  I am not saying that Trump is going to be a good President. Probably not.  I don't think Hillary would have been a good President either.  Presidents don't make policy.  Congress does.  Don't like Trump then defeat him at the voters box by voting overwhelmingly Democratic in two years.  Very few Republicans are scumbags and very few Democrats are either.  Name calling never solved any of our problems.  It is time to work together to find solutions to the real problems of this country.  The fact that our President is a Republican is not a crisis any more that our President being a Democrat has been the last eight years. 
   If Democrats want to prove they deserve having their candidates in office now is the time to provide that leadership rather than complain like spoiled children that didn't get that object of their desire. 

Wednesday, November 09, 2016


Monday, on the 14th day of hand surgery, I had the stitches removed.  Since I can't rejoin my water aerobics class I decided to walk.  For my birthday I hope to walk 4.5 miles in an hour or less.  I almost made it Monday but my time was one hour and eight seconds. 
  A little woman was walking in front of me for 3 miles and try as I may I could not close the ground on her.  I was amazed such a small person could walk so fast. 

Miley Cyrus and the Election

  I'm a registered Republican but don't vote a straight ticket.  Sometimes I vote Democratic and sometimes I vote Libertarian.  I did vote Republican for governor because Roy Cooper bragged about fixing the backlog at the state crime lab and I know for a fact that there is still a huge backlog. 
  I had not planned to vote for Trump until Miley Cyrus stated she would leave the country if he won. 
  Today I facebooked her and asked her if she needed help in packing.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Where are his accusers?

    Tiger Woods, Herman Cain, Bill Cosby, and Donald Trump are but a few of the men who have had women coming out of the woodwork claiming they were sexually harassed or worse by these men.  This behavior is not limited to women accusing men.  Piling on is a phenomenon that happens a lot.  When a man in position of authority is accused by one person it seems accusers start coming from every where.  We saw this with the Catholic priests,  with the famous football coach (Sandusky), and in other cases. 
    I am not claiming any or all men are innocent but few of the claims have ever been proven.  Where are the accusers of Herman Cain now that he dropped out of the race?

I voted but I'm not happy

    Yes, I voted early this year but I'm not happy.  The Democratic and Republican candidates are both unqualified for the job.  I almost voted Libertarian but then Miley Cyrus said she would leave the country in case Trump wins.  I said I hoped she would chose North Korea.  A friend of mine said that would be preferable to living under Trump.  I told him he couldn't really be serious. 
  Yes, I am a registered Republican but I do not always vote for the Republican candidate.  Sometimes I vote for the Democrat and sometimes I vote for the Libertarian.  But I always vote and not just in the Presidential elections. 
  This is just the one time in my life I hope neither candidate wins.   

Still Recovering

    I'm still recovering from hand surgery.  As I have mentioned before I suffer from Dupredrenes Contracture, a disease that affections a small percentage of while males in which the little and ring finger of either or both hands will begin to curl towards the palm.   Even though one can feel little pricks now and then the process is slow and non painful.  My little finger on my left hand had been locked into one position  for so long that it can no longer be straightened.  The surgeon did manage to free it from my palm; however, he said that if it pulls down to the palm again that it cannot be operated on the third time.  I will definitely lose the finger I was told.  What he doesn't understand is I wanted the finger removed the first and second time this operation was done.  It is so inconvenient to have ones little finger stuck on the palm of their hand.
   Last week I was supposed to get my third shot for macular degeneration but the doctor said that giving me my "eyeball" shot would interfere with the healing of my hand.  I discussed this with my hand surgeon and he has given his okay to continue the eye treatment. 
  Because of my hand surgery I have been unable to go to the pool so yesterday I decided to walk the 1/2mile track at the Y.  I made nine laps in 61 minutes.  I tried my best to do it in an hour but my shoe became untied.  I don't know if that slowed me down or not but it sure didn't help.  Anyway, my distance and time means that I walked at a pace slightly under 4.5 miles per hour.  That's not a bad clip, especially for a person 5 days away from their 70th birthday.