Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Why should I believe?

   It seems fewer and fewer people want to believe in a God much less the Christian God.  I often hear that God isn't real, that it doesn't make sense that millions and millions of people should go to hell just because they never heard of Christ, that Christianity is a crutch, that many Biblically characters like Moses, Paul and even Jesus never existed,  and one man even thought it was funny that Christians pray for healing from some disease, illness, or injury, that was given to them by God and who seems unable to either prevent the situation or to provide a solution.
  It seems that many church going people don't act like they believe God and many that profess to believe aren't faithful to their faith or to their church.  So based on the opposition and the lack of commitment to a God that demands obedience, why should one continue in the faith and why should a non-believer convert over to Christianity?
   Even some Biblical characters have questioned Gods motives and His existence.  Even those men who walked closed to Jesus denied Him and one even betrayed Him.   So if those men who saw the miracles didn't understand Jesus, even after spending three years with Him, how am I supposed to accept Him as real?
  first of all, let me make something very clear.  Man is given free will so God does not make one believe or disbelieve.  Faith is entirely voluntary.  When people ask why does God allow bad things to happen then you have your answer.  Man has free will and is not controlled by God. That is the very reason one cannot prove the existence of God.  If we could prove He is real then belief in Him would no longer be by faith.  He is not going to provide an eternal home to those that deny him.  Who would after all?
   Those who believe can see the hand of God working in events while those that do not believe can't see that.  A good example would be an uprooted tree following a blast of wind and rain.  Some will claim that the wind, which we cannot see, blew the tree over, while others will claim that the tree had a weal root system.  Same event, same result, but a different belief as to the cause of the tree falling.
  I have seen many Christians suffer from heart wrenching diseases and have watched as they suffered and died.  Which did God allow them to get sick and why did He fail to heal them even though many believers asked Him in prayer for healing?
   First of all, we must realize that God doesn't exist to do our bidding but we exist to do His.  I know you don't like that explanation and that's your right.  You are a non believer and have the right to accept or reject the truth but that doesn't change a thing.  Scripture tells us that the rain will fall on the just and the unjust.  In other words, we are all human and being a Christian doesn't give us special privilege's.  We take our chances just like everyone else.  God offers us support and encouragement but promises nothing beyond that.
    There is a saying "no pain, no gain" which means that in order to improve ones physical     conditioning, one has to put forth some extra effort.  Sometimes bad things happen to Christians just because we are human, sometimes because is preparing us for a special task and He knows that we haven't reached the point of being able to handle the challenge yet so He has to strengthen us.  Sometimes Christians die of their illness or injury.  "It is appointed unto men once to die."  Everyone will die, sooner or later.  Sometimes babies die.  If you don't believe in God then you know it isn't His fault.  Some have a basic knowledge of God and choose to blame Him.
   I do know that for every argument you can offer to explain your disbelief and I offer an equally valid reason for believing.  I haver also learned that the deeper ones faith the closer the relationship.
Faith isn't a blind belief in the unknown but the evidence of things unseen.  Just as you may deny the wind and believe the tree was just too big and heavy to stand anymore I can see evidence that wind exists although it can't be seen.  
  I do know that one of two things are true:  either there is or there isn't a God.  If there is believer's get to go to heaven and non believers will spend eternity in Hell.  If there isn't we all break even.
  The Holy Bible teaches that there is no other name given among men through which a man may be saved and that the only way to heaven is through Christ.  Even so, Christ came to live on earth just 2,000 years ago yet we know that many people worshipped God and were believer's before Christ,
The bible also says that In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.  Scripture also reminds us that nature itself testifies to the existence of God.  Acceptance of the evidence God has provided to all men of all times is counted as acceptance of Christ.  It says so in the book of Hebrews.
  We are separated from God not because we are bad people but because we were born "human nature" No one has to teach a child to be selfish, to steal, or to tell a lie.  That comes natural and this natural, or human nature, is what separates us from God.  We must be reconciled to God  and the way to do that is to accept what Christ did on the cross.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Baby's Birthday

  I call my wife Baby because she's 5 years younger than me.  We started the day with Doctor's appointments:  mine in Winston-Salem and her's in Greensboro.  Mine was short so I drove to Greensboro to be with her then took her shopping and then out for a nice lunch.  It was a very good day.

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Am I Racist?

  There is so much animosity between racist.  Few lay claim to being racist yet what happens in the world and what goes on behind closed doors    shows that racism is more alive than most will admit.  Sometimes we do things that can be deemed racist that we really don't think are but in reality are.  Sometimes we are perceived to have committed a racist act when indeed we did not.  
   I find the same attitudes are prevalent in other areas of life as well.  Most people consider themselves good and yet they regularly practice what the bible labels as sin yet they deny that they are sinners.  Yet the bible says that we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
  As long as we live in denial we can never drawn near to God and as long as we live in denial we can never solve the race issue.
  The truth is I am a racist.  It is not always a bad thing and it is a good thing that I admit the truth.  Knowing what I am my nature helps me to take steps to fight my natural instincts and make better decisions.  I am also a sinner.  Recognizing the truth  about myself helps me deal with my sin problem.  I find the best way to deal with both issues is to immerse myself in God's word and put God's word into me.
  By becoming a follower of God I learn how to resist temptations and also how to love my fellow man.  But until we recognize the truth about ourselves, we can never be whom we should be.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


   I just finished reading Ezra and Nehemiah and currently reading Zachariah.  In case you didn't know, these are books of the Bible describing events just after Israel returned to the Promised land after 70 years of captivity.  In Ezra they returned to the land, in Nehemiah they rebuilt the wall and heard the Bible read for the first time and it Zachariah they are admonished because they have fallen back into the lifestyle that God punished them for in the first place.
  I have learned that God wanted to prevent the mixing of Jews with other peoples, not because other people were inferior but because other people would bring in different beliefs and corrupt the Jews.  In the New Testament we are told "Don't be unequally yoked together."
   Even so, we still see many Christians married to non-Christians.  Christians are supposed to keep ourselves separate from the world.  Even though we have to live in the world, we are not to adapt worldly values.  Just like the Jews in the Old Testament books I've been reading, it seems living a separated life is a difficult thing to do.  It seems Christians want enough religion to make themselves feel good about themselves but not enough to stand out from the crowd.  As long as they don't practice illegal activities, then they feel they are being "good " Christians.
  One I know had pictures of him and his family celebrating "National Beer Week."  The Bible tells us that what ever we put into our bodies is what is going to come out.  It is not talking about food but about our values.  The Bible also teaches us that we are to be witnesses for Christ and although all things are lawful not all things are needful.  If what we do offends our weaker brothers then we should refrain from that activity.
  Christianity isn't about being good.  It's about serving Christ.  We aren't good sevants when our lives reflect more of the world's values then the values of God.    

Friday, September 27, 2019

Medicare and Nursing homes

  It is a mistaken belief that Medicare pays for nursing home care for the long time.  It may cover some of the costs if one is sent to a nursing home for a short stay, to convalesce for   a week or two but once one is placed in a nursing home for long term care the patient is responsible for his/her own care.  If the cost is more than the patient can afford (probably around $8,000.00 plus cost of medicine) then the patient can apply for Medicaid.
  When my Mom was placed in a facility, she was allowed to keep $2000 plus her $70.00 a month widows benefit from the VA, plus prepaid funereal expenses.  She retained ownership of her home as long as it was her intension of moving back into it.  I believe that the amounts have been changed but it has been a couple of years ago so one would have to check with their county agent to be sure of the current law.
   To be sure you understand, the $2,000.00 is the total amount she is allowed to retain at the time she is approved which must be accomplished in a 60 day period of time.  It is not two thousand a month nor can the money be replenished once it is spent.   The $70.00 a month is only for the spouse of a veteran and can only be used for the patients personal expenses.  One cannot pay bills with that money.
  If the patient lives a short period of time, then the family heirs can keep the house if they satisfy the nursing home bill.  For example, if the patient lives 3 months and Medicaid has paid those three months bills, then the $24,000.00 will have to be paid out of the proceeds  of the sale of the house or out of the funds of the heirs.  If the heirs can't or don't want to keep the house, they can sell the house, repay the $24,000.00 and divide the rest.
  If, like in my Mom's case, she lived for 18 months while collecting Medicaid totaling 144,000.00 and owned a house worth much less, the house was sold and all the proceeds turned over to Medicaid and the debt was satisfied.  
   The good news is that if the patient has lots of assets then one can use the assets to repair and improve the home. or one can use the assets to prepaid the nursing home. Any unused prepayment will be returned to the estate.
  The problems I encountered in taking care of Mom was home owners insurance and property taxes, all of which had to be paid out of the $2,000.00.  We kept the water and power on at the house which were small but recurring expenses.
  While it is true that the patient gets a Social Security check, all the patient receives of that check is just enough to pay the premiums on a health insurance.
   For the reasons I have stated it is best to be rich enough to pay the costs out of pocket or poor enough to have no or little assets.  For most people, it is a fact that they will encounter s situation like Mom did.  The only was she could have insured being able to keep her house was to have sold it or given it away at least three years before applying for Medicaid.   If she had transferred any assets, including money and/or property within the three year period of time, then the recipient will most likely have to give the assets back to the estate.
  It seems unfair to most people but the state is actually loaning the patient the money for a nursing facility.  The reason why the patient can only keep a small amount of money is that it is much easier to turn over assets to the long-care nursing facility or fix up the home than it is to try and recover assets illegally spent by the relative or friend care giver.  
   If the patient turns over her/his home to heirs, they run the risk of being forced out of their home.
Unfortunately that happens much more often than one would believe it would.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Problem Cat

  I have two cats.  One is a Maine Coon who is a runt but the sweetest cat I've ever taken care of.  The other is a short-haired domestic tortoise shell who is strange my anyone's standard.  Besides the quirkiness of the breed, this cat was raised with a ferret which I think may have made this cat even stranger.
  She has been in my household for about eight years now.  Up until recently her quirkiness has provided us with plenty of laughs.    (She sneaks up on everything, drinks water my dipping her paws in the water then licking her paw, and will not let anyone pick her up)  Recently she has developed a bad habit I'm at a loss over how to fix.
  She will pee in the liter box then get out and take a dump on a rug and then fold the rug over to cover her poop.  I have three litter boxes and they are cleaned twice a day at least and they are filled with the same litter that I have always used.
  Can anyone tell me why and what to do to correct this behavior?

Daylilly Club

The Daylily Club of Greensboro will have another meeting October 6, 2019 at 2965 Battleground Ave. from 2 to 4.  I never really thought much about Daylilies until I saw a display at the triad Regional Airport and was awed at the variety and beauty of these plants.
  There will be a meeting in February min which I will be presenting a slide series on my yard with Iris as the focal point.  Come join us for either or both of these meetings.

Spectacular September Conclusion

  Academy Street Baptist Church concluded it's Spectacular September  last night and I must said it was Spectacular.  Last year it was very good and this year it was even better.  I'm sorry you missed it but there are many good things to come.  Join us any service any time.  Academy Street Baptist Church in Randleman, NC wants you to come visit us and hopefully make us your church home.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Book of Jasher

The book of Jasher is quoted several times in the Bible.  I know it is referenced in II Samuel.  I looked it up and it is basically a copy of Genesis.  Most of it lines up perfectly with Genesis with a few noteworthy exceptions.  It begins with the creation of Adam and Eve, moves quickly through the flood and soon retells the story of Abram.  More detail is given about Nimrod and Abrams father.  It tells of Abram being throw into a furnace by Nimrod and spending three days there.
 There is more detail about the problems between Cain and Able, Esau and Jacob and the priest/king of Jerusalem that Abraham gave a tithe to has a different name.  But the basic stories all remain the same and honestly, most people would never know they are reading Jasher instead of Genesis.  It's a shame but it's also true that many Christians  never read the Bible and if they were told the stories as recorded in Jasher versus the stories from Genesis, they would have no idea.  

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Back in the Saddle

  I had gotten into the stock market via my 401k in the waning days of George Bush and was making a little money until the big stock market crash.  Even though I watched my saving diminish daily I actually increased the percentage of my paycheck that I purchased stocks with.  I saw my investment fall from $21,000.00 to just over $12,000.00.  After Obama took office the stock market started to recovery and when it was all said and done, I had $51,000.00.
  Truth be told, only about $6,000.00 of that was actually my money.  About $15,000.00 was company match and the remainder was market increase.  When I retired I spent some of the money to pay all  my debts and some to update my home.  Of course there was the mandatory withdrawals and some extra spending money to enjoy life with.  I didn't invest any in the stock market since I retired and now all that is left of my 401k is a few bonds.  Old people don't get stocks through their retirement account.
  Well, I decided to invest back in the stock market in stocks, not bonds.  My profit in the bond market is zero which means I am losing money at the rate of inflation.  I invested 10,000.00  or actually $2500.00 in each of 4 diverse accounts.  So far I have made $427,00 in 9 days.  I was hoping for $700.00 for the year  which I will still be happy with.  At the current rate I will make double my original investment.
  oddest thing is this is supposed to be a bad time of invest.  And it may very well turn out to be that way.

Sunday, September 08, 2019

AGT Judges

  Heidi Klum and Mel B were much better judges then the pair that replaced them even if their lifestyle choices were suspect.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Spectaucular september

 September 3 (that's a Tuesday) Academy Street will have the second annual Spectacular September.  Services will be held on Tuesday nights instead of Wednesday.

Church Yard Sale

September 7, 2019 Academy Street Baptist Church is having it's annual yard sale.

Last weekend was busy

  Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I was in the mountains of Tennessee on a couples retreat.  I taught Sunday School, then my regular Tuesday night at the Commons Bible Class, then I had to prepare to lead the Wednesday night service, then the following Sunday School plus the Sunday Morning and Sunday Night Services.  I enjoyed every minute of it but there was a lot of study involved a some nervousness, especially on Sunday morning.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Couples Retreat

  Elijah's harbor in Greenville, Tennessee is a remote place which only claim to fame is a Dollar General Super store and Elijah's harbor, a 200 acre estate a mile from anywhere.  They had their first ever "couple's retreat" Aug 15-18 and I was privileged to be part of that experience.  I stayed in the mansion, a 22.000 square foot house.  My quarters were almost as big as my house with a spectacular view of the mountains.  White deer, peacocks, and miniature horses  were viewable also.
  We enjoyed a heated outdoor pool. smores by the fire, and an ice cream social.  Also available were workout room, walking trails, 4 wheelers, a game room, and great dinning, all included in the price.  The hosts went above and beyond anything one could ever hope for, and only on two occasions did we encounter anyone that was not in our group.
  We had plenty of free time and we also had a couple of "sessions" which helped all the couples strengthen their marriage.  It was a fabulous weekend and I can't wait to do it again.  

Monday, August 12, 2019

No help from police

  Had one neighbor use a paper tag on his car for over a year, another neighbor has set at least a dozen fires (once setting  an outbuilding on fire).  Another neighbor rides a four wheeler on the street with no helmet while popping wheelies and another neighbor rides a dirt bike on the street without a helmet either.   One would think the police department would be interested just to keep people safe but they have failed to respond.
  A driver of a four wheeler doing a wheelie has no real control of his bike and one of the kids on a bicycle may ride out if front of him and one of the two is going to be in serious trouble.  

Thursday, August 01, 2019

stealing bases in baseball

A recent poll asked the question "is it ok if a team continues to steal bases when they are 7 or more runs ahead?".  Sixty percent of the respondents agreed with me that it was okay.  Football has a time limit and if a team is7 touchdowns ahead it is almost impossible for the losing team to catch up and the closer to the end of the game the harder the task.  Basketball is played with a time limit as is soccer and most other sports.  Golf , tennis, and badminton don't have time limits.
  Now one would not expect a golfer to quit playing quality golf once he gets a 7 stroke lead nor would they expect a tennis player who has won the first two matches of a best of 5 match play, even if he is up 30 - love and one more point wins it all to not give it his best.
  Yogi Berra said it best "It ain't over until it's over."    Baseball is probably the most unpredictable game their is .  I once played a softball game with a 10 run rule in place and we were down 9 to 0 after the first  inning.  We won the game 13 to 12.  One just can't afford to quit in baseball.  I've seen teams score 4,5,6 and even more runs with two out in the inning.  So yes, keep trying to steal those bases.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Old Employer now in Trouble

  My first job was for a small grocery store which is no longer in business.  My second job was for an industrial supply company which is no longer in business.  My next job was for a drug store that was the third largest in the nation at that time.  It is no longer in business.  In high school I worked for a box making company that in now defunct as well as two different newspapers which are no longer in business.
  I once got a job for a department store and was filling out my paperwork when the announcement was made that the company had been sold and the store where I was to begin work was to be closed.  I then took a job in a car dealership which no longer exist.  I worked for one grocery chain that doesn't exist anymore as well as another big pharmacy which went out of business also.  My last employer, while still operating under the name it used when I worked for them has been sold to another company.
  Another company I once worked for is now listed as companies that may soon cease to exist.  I was shocked when I read that it was because they were so deeply into debt and the amount of interest they paid on that debt was staggering.  The reason I was shocked was because when I worked for them they had no debt and didn't believe in debt.  They could buy a hundred or more competitors at a time and pay cash and be turning a profit within a year, recouping all their remodeling costs, even while cutting sales in half because they operated so efficiently.  I have no idea why or when they started borrowing money.  I suppose it was when the company ridded itself of the  founders and original management team that made the company so successful.
  Sometimes it just isn't profitable to mess with success.

Crazy Days at Work

  Sorry, but I haven't worked in eight years and I am enjoying retirement very  much, thank you.  But I still do remember things that happened while I was working and an article I recently looked at recounting moments when customers were mistaken for employees reminded me of one particular incident.
   I had temporarily been assigned to cover another department and it was during the slowest part of the day on the slowest day of the week when a fellow I knew came into the store. He stopped to chat with me and I had the luxury of time this day so we were standing on the sales floor chatting away when  a man walked up to my friend and started yelling at him for being a bigot and accusing him of watching him as if he was a thief.  One could tell from the look on my friends face that he was shocked and left speechless.  Seeing that he wasn't sure how to handle this situation I calmly informed the customer that my friend had no interest   in watching his movements as he was a customer and not an employee.
  When the man realized his mistaken the look on his face was priceless.
  As an employee I have been accused of watching people's movements and usually they are correct.  The first time this happened to me it was a women and she took me to task for my constant observation of her.  She claimed she was an honest shopper and I had no right to be following her with my eyes.  I just told her I was curious if she intended to pay for the two pairs of sunglasses  she had stuffed in her socks.
  The funniest thing that ever happened was in that same store.  A tall, skinny women was in the cosmetic section and Mavis Taylor, a small little old lady  who had been employed there like forever was watching her.  Since the women was so thin and had short hair and Mavis was old, or maybe it was just a Freudian slip, but Mavis asked the women "may I help you Sir? "  The women turned to look at Mavis, grabbed the bottom of her shirt and yanked it over her head exposing her breasts for all to see, exclaiming "Do I look like a Sir to you?"  

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Enjoying my yard: Garden News for 2019

  No pictures to share but just an update on my yard, version 2019.  Last year I removed my blackberry and grape vines and cut down all but two of my apple trees to make my yard care chores much easier.  It is harder to mow around thing than one might at first imagine so removing some obstacles has greatly reduced the amount of time I spend mowing each week.
   I have added some things to the yard though.  I planted three more peach trees and a cherry tree but these were planted so as not to interfere with mowing,  I needed the cherry tree as my big one needs a pollinator.  I also planted a daylily garden but I did this by digging a trench on the outside of my central flower bed (my rock garden)    so it actually makes mowing easier.  My wild flower garden is gorgeous this year with the wide variety of flowers and colors.  My tomato garden really looks good this year.
   I added some English Ivy and a hummingbird vine to my privacy fence to give it more privacy and some character.  Hopefully it will add some shade to my pond to help reduce algae growth.  I succeeded in propagating a new butterfly bush and a new hibiscus bush and I had a grape vine come up on it's own right beside my privacy fence where I needed a vine to grow.
  Now that the flowers have filled in the spaces and structures that added to my work load have been removed and soil conditions have vastly improved due to diligence and hard work, I am relaxing more and really enjoying my yard this year more than ever.  Blooming started in December and it has been like a wave of colors from the back yard to the front, back and forth.  At the moment, Daisey's and Cone flowers and wild flowers are carrying the colors in my yard forth into the summer months.
  Planting season is over so now I can sit back, relax and enjoy.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

He said "Democrats are idiots"

  He said "Democrats are idiots".  He said that on his facebook page.  He is a preacher.  I wonder if he would walk up to a member of his congregation who happened to be a Democrat and tell him he was an idiot.  Probably not.  I do believe it would be almost impossible to present the gospel to a person you just called an idiot.  Jesus died for those who are different from us and thinks different from us just as much as He died for us.  It isn't a preacher's job to convert Democrats to a new political view.  It is the preacher's job to present the gospel to a lost and dying world.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

She's not my America

The American Women's soccer team has a lady playing for them who has pink hair and refuses to stand for the National Anthem.  I just read an article claiming  that  in spite of her controversial attitude and hair color. or rather because she is so unconventional, she is actually the true face of America.
  She is not my America and the America of today is not the America I grew up in nor the America I fought for and was willing to die for.  I grew up in a more conservative and more religious America.  Although it wasn't a perfect America it was a good America.
  If this woman truly loves America, as the journalist claims she does, then why is she disrespectful towards our National Anthem and the Flag.  Paying respect to the flag and to our Anthem is paying respect to America, it's values, and to the men and women who fought for this country.  There are still many things wrong with this country.
   No, I don't want abortion to be illegal but I do believe that many women who seek abortions should have, and could have, made better choices before they got pregnant.  Yes, I feel sorry for the poor and wretched from impoverished countries that seek a better life in America but I also respect or countries laws and do believe there is a better way to get settled in this country and for us who are forced to become their neighbors.  If they are honest, hard working people seeking to better their lives and that of their families then we can find a way to welcome them but if they are law breaking, gun toting, drug dealers and everyday common thugs, by all means keep them out.  
  There was a time when Americans could sit down and air their difference and work out a solution without name calling but it seems almost impossible for that to happen today.  That is why MSN no longer allows comments on it's web site and Yahoo requires a person to register before allowing them to comment.
  Yes this woman is a great athlete and yes she has pink hair ( it's pretty) and yes, she cares less about
about me and my feeling about her than she does about me but she is not America personified by one person.  Not even close.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Abortion should be legal

  Back in the days of illegal abortion when back alley doctors performed this function for desperate women, society viewed pregnancy out of wedlock much different than it does today.  When a teenager became pregnant then, they were forced to drop out of high school and often were sent to live with a distant relative so neither the girl nor the family would be embarrassed.  
   In today's American men and women seem to be proud of having alternative lifestyles and open relationships and being pregnant and unmarried holds no stigma, at least in most social circles.  In times past, even in the early days of legalized abortion, it was acceptable only when the woman was raped, had been the victim of incest, or her life or the life of the child was in question.   Now, it seems, that just being pregnant and not wanting to be is good enough reason for an abortion.
   I do not want to return to the days of all abortions being illegal but I sure would like to see the number of abortions drop dramatically.  Most people are smart enough to know how to become pregnant and how to prevent pregnancy,  Women claim they should have the right to an abortion because it is their body and it is their right to control their body.  I agree but they should have controlled the situation before becoming pregnant.
  I do believe that a returning to the worship of Almighty God, bible study, deep meaningful prayer, and being active in one's church would increase responsible behavior and greatly reduce the desire for an abortion.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Tired of the talk

I have a facebook page that is open to everyone but I have strict standards to post on it or for a post to remain on it if you decide to post anyway.  No, profanity, sex, or politics.  It doesn't matter if I agree with you politically or not, your political post can't stay up.  Of course there are a few posts that I may view differently than others do ,and someone may say 'you left their political post up" and I may have saw it as something else.
  The main reason I don't like political posts is not that I don't want to know the views of your party because actually I do but because most political posts no days are not "pro" a position but negative against the opposition.  For eight years I heard about impeaching Bill Clinton and about investigations into his activities, even those before he became President.  Then for eight more years I heard about how stupid George Bush was and how he stole the election and how he got out of serving his country and then for the next eight years  all we heard about was how Obama wasn't a real American and talk about impeachment and now for the past three years all we have heard about was impeachment talk about Donald Trump.
  To people of both parties: stop fighting.  Two people can disagree and not fight or call each other names or threaten to put each other in jail.  We did it for many decades in this country and we can do it again.  How can America lead the world when we can't even lead our own country.

Monday, May 27, 2019

unstable or just plain dangerous

  The campaigning for President in the 2020 race has begun.  So far, Donald Trump is the only candidate on the Republican side and the Democrats have so many candidates here isn't a front runner as of yet.  I had a difficult time with the last election but I do believe the Democrats are going to make this election easier for me though not necessarily more pleasant.
  Donald Trump is abrasive and somewhat of a loose cannon and sometimes that is  a good thing as crazy world leaders like we have in Korea are puzzled by him and are probably  afraid of him.  One thing about Donald Trump is that he knows what he wants and he knows how to get what he wants.  I do believe that why the Democratic field is so large.
   When schools were first integrated I didn't understand the objections to long standing traditions but have come to appreciate that songs, flags, and some statues are offensive.  I grew up when people pulled for the underdog and I feel for people trying to escape harsh living conditions and repressive governments but I also appreciate law and order and do believe we need to respect our laws, even if we do not always agree with them, in whole or in part.
   I understand people who live differently than most other people wanting to be treated fairly and I cringe whenever I hear a Christian criticize those who prefer an alternative lifestyle but only because
Christ loved everyone and we are instructed to do likewise.  If is difficult to claim we love someone while criticizing their lifestyle.  
  I mentioned these issues because there are big issues which divide our country.  It seems the Democrats are becoming more liberal and wanting to change everything about America, including our history.  The great men and women of many years ago stood up for what they believed in and stood fast against those things they thought were wrong.  Sometimes they were wrong but that doesn't give anyone the right to erase them from our memory.
  The biggest problem is our inability to discuss our differences of opinions without resorting to name calling and being negative and overly critical of those of a different opinion.  If there was a problem with our nations health care system then both parties should recognize that fact.  I would expect differences of opinion on how to fix the problem and for both parties to work together to find the solution that works best for the country.
  I understand why some people feel that their pregnancy should be terminated but I do not believe abortion should be used as a birth control method.  Pregnancies should be prevented before they occur, and can be in the majority of cases.  Future generations may look back at us today and want to erase us from their memories or maybe even study this time period as the reason for the failure of this nation.
   Donald Trump is not the man to lead this nation down the proper path but neither was Hilary Clinton and I doubt that there is a candidate out there that can heal this nation.  The trouble is, there is only one who can lead this nation and the majority of people either want to write him out of the history books too  or they prefer to do things  their own way.    No matter who we elect to the White House, Congress, or the Supreme Court, we will always have difference of opinion and there will always be wrong decisions made.
  I'm not the person that has all the right answers and perfect solutions for all our problems but neither is anyone else.  If we just sit down and talk with each other maybe we can come up with a workable solution  and stop having this "if you don't agree with me you are an idiot" attitude.
   I doubt that this little rant of mine will change the mind of any one person.  Our early leaders had their faults just as each of today have our faults but they were able to work together  to solve problems and for that we should learn from them and not deny them because of their flaws.  

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Last week was rough

  Sat down for lunch Thursday and suddenly felt nauseous and then I got a serious case of the chills.  I left the table and sat down in my recliner and covered up. My wife added three more blankets  but I just couldn't stop shaking.  It was a shivering but a violet shaking and I sat like that from 12 noon until 6:30 before I quit.  Then I began to feel warm so I got up, put myself to bed  with no shirt or pants and the fan going on medium and not covered up at all and I slept until 4 am (which is my normal wake up time).
   I just felt too wasted to go to the gym.  It fact I never even got dressed that day: or the next for that matter.  I felt much better Sunday morning and by Monday I was back to being my normal self.  I had a busy Monday, going to the gym and then   taking my wife out for lunch  before delivering a care package to a couple in need.  My wife headed to the doctor's after doing a little housework while I went outside and did some work in the yard.  I then came in and prepared my lesson for tonight.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Family reunion

  We are a small family: just three brothers, two wives and a girlfriend and we've never really been close.  It's been a year since I saw my older brother and two and a half years since I last saw my younger brother But we did get together last week in Blowing Rock, NC for a couple of days.
  I had a great time and I do believe the others enjoyed the time as well.
  My biggest fear was that we would get so involved in activities that we wouldn't have time to really talk with each other.  The first idea was to meet in Tennessee at Dollywood or that other place which is an amusement park.  To many people, to much walking, to many things to distract from the purpose of the visit.  My older brother and I opted for Blowing Rock.  It was a closer drive for the two of us plus my wife and I have health problems so a four hour drive is much to much for us.  My wife wouldn't be up for much walking and I don't think my older brother can venture very far on foot.  Blowing Rock was perfect for us.
  Friday, the only full day we had together was cold and windy and rainy which actually made things better.  We did venture out of the Green Park Inn to shop at one of the road side stands and to find a good restaurant  for lunch.  Even though we stopped in Blowing Rock itself for a little shopping, it was too much for my younger brothers wife as she got cold.  After our brief shopping trip, we rested at the motel for awhile then meet at the piano bar for some good easy music and some fun conversation.  We learned things about each other we didn't know and we left the next morning a closer and much happier group of brothers.

Monday, April 15, 2019

not much for politics

  I don't like to discuss political stuff .  I used to think America was the last sane country of earth but it is now obvious that we are as crazy as the rest of the world.  Mayor's running for president that claim they are both a practicing homosexual and a Christian, abortion of demand, even after birth, illegal immigrants and prisoners receiving more and better help than our fellow soldiers, and all the hate, and race baiting, and name calling, and gun violence, and loose morals, and it is enough to make one cry out to a loving God for an end to the madness.

Getting slack in my old age

  I know I haven't posted much recently but I have been battling health issues.  It started with a routine colonostrophy (sp) That was hardly over when I contracepted a viral infection  which left me with extreme chills, a 104 degree temp and the desire to do nothings.  After several shots and antibiotics I began to feel some better but my stomach has been queasy ever since, somedays to the point of wanting to stay near a toilet but fortunately it hasn't come to that yet.
  The Doctor said I was anemic but my iron levels were fine.  Some days I am fine and some days I just have to stay in bed, rest and try to stay warm.  I was scheduled to see my regular doctor on the 22nd but he is on vacation so my appointment has been put off until the end of May.  Except for type II diabetes which I have under control except for a brief period of time I have been a pretty healthy guy.  But since I had my cancer surgery but body seems to have given up on me.
   I don't know what the immediate or long range future holds but God does so I'll trust Him and leave myself to His care.  What ever happens to me is for God's best interest and mine as well.  Like Paul stated :"To be absent from the body is gain."

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Situation

I'm not complaining but just stating some facts.  I can understand both sides of the issue and I have come to understand that life isn't fair and that what one person considers fair is not always the correct gauge of fairness.
   When I first went to Vietnam in 1970 I met a young man named Dave and we have remained friends all these many years.  As a result of our service in Vietnam we were both exposed to Agent Orange and have developed similar health problems.  Also due to our jobs we both suffer from hearing loses.
   The government furnishes me with hearing aids and supplies at no cost to both of us.  Dave also gets a small compensation check but I don't.
  We both developed similar problems around the same time.  Dave's doctors correctly diagnosed   his problems 4 years ago and together Dave and his doctors made the decision not to treat his condition because he is more likely to die of a heart attack or some other ailment than he is of the cancer they found.  As a result, he receives quarterly monitoring and a large monthly  compensation.
  By the time my cancer was detected  my problems were more severe and the cancer was life threatening.   After weighing all my options it became obvious surgery was my best choice, especially considering my life expectancy was much longer than Dave's due to his heart condition and COPD.  
   To be totally truthful, Dave's problems from his cancer are inconvenient just as mine were for me.  My problems as a result of my surgery are much worse.  Besides the loss of function I have to wear an outside medical devise that is not safe to wear and will be facing the implantation of another device soon.
   Needless to say life was way better before surgery and now I will shortly lose my compensation because I'm considered cancer free even though the surgeon said the cancer could remain in my body for up to 10 years undetected.  To some it doesn't seem fair that Dave should be compensated for a condition that we both have in common just because he elected to live with the condition when he could have a quick one and done treatment that would solve his problem and I'll lose my compensation even though my surgery actually made my daily life much worse.
  On the other hand, some would not consider it fair to continue to compensate me for a problem that I had fixed.
  I don't know if surgery or one of the other forms of treatment will still be an option for Dave down the road.  I hope it will be.
  I'm glad he receives his compensation and it would be nice to continue to receive mine.  It's for sure my cancer would have killed me long before his would have killed him  and if given the choice between surgery and life or the compensation I would choose life.  So I received my benefits for which I am grateful.    

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Old friends are the best

  I was young and green  but the man seated next to me on the "Willie" was kind and helpful and guided me through all the procedures and answered all my questions and remained calm for the entire thirteen hour trip.  Since that day, a little over 48 years ago, we have remained friends.  It was great to get to spend some time with him today.
  He retired many years ago and has been traveling about in an RV yet he makes time to stop near me every year, most years, so we can share a day together.    I think this is our first visit together in which we didn't talk about our military service or Vietnam.  It made it more special that more than shared times during a war bonded us together.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Cheaper is not always better.

I have lived most of my life at the lower end of middle class and have learned the value of saving money by comparison shopping and being able to fix many things myself, doing my own yard work and making wise investments.  I also have learned the lesson that professional work and quality goods often pays dividends in the long run.
 This is a lesson our young pastor and his wife are learning at the church.  The building we meet in is a large building and is nice but as with any structure things need to be repaired or replaced.   There are extension cords running through the attic   where proper wiring should be.  Some well meaning members years ago attempted to repair the air/heating units without proper training, Someone thought that refinishing wood floors would be a simple job.
  If someone had decided that professionals were a better route to go then many of the problems and much of the expense we are facing today would   be either non existent or less today.  I've discovered that certain repairs, most furniture and many clothing items last longer and are much cheaper in the long run if you start with quality, and will actually look better and do a better job than the cheaper counterparts.  I know just because it is more expensive doesn't make it better but more often than not, one can find a quality good or service at a more reasonable price and be much better off in the long run.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

DAD Leaving all his property to one child of 4.

  A lady wrote seeking advise on a family situation.  There are 4 children, 3 girls and one son.  The kids just discovered that the father is leaving all his property to the son.
   It may not seem fair and I know that where money is concerned children get greedy when they think that the financial pie has not been sliced equally.  But whoever owned the pie has the right to share it with whomever he wishes.  It is money and property that the owner has worked for and he may elect to share it however he chooses.  It may be fair or it may not be fair.  Sometimes one child has struggled  and the others have done well and the parent thinks they need extra help or sometimes the parent concludes the child who did not do so well is not responsible enough to handle an inheritance.
  Some parents share their financial gain equally while others seem to favor one child over the other.  Sometimes the division makes sense and other times it seems totally arbitrary and unfair.   But in the end it all nbelongs to the parent.

Monday, March 04, 2019

We need a new supreme court ruling

  It is my considered opinion that the constitution guarantees the American citizen freedom of religion.  The law reads that no law can be enacted that prohibits the free exercise thereof.   To ban prayer from schools and to make it illegal to hold religious services on state owned property and to remove religious symbols from public land is to me prohibiting the free exercise of religion.  What the law says  is that any religion should have the same opportunity as any other religion.
  Instead of banning preachers from the Randleman community center all religions should be given the opportunity to conduct services.  Talking politics places a churches tax free status in jeopardy but the speakers at the Senior Center were not operating a church and were not receiving compensation so there is no tax free status to jeopardize.  I think the decision to ban preaching was hasty and wrong.  

Trouble in Paradise

 The information I have is just second hand information so please don't quote me as a factual source but scuttlebutt has it that preacher /preaching is no longer allowed at the Senior Center at the Randleman Community Center.  To tell the truth I was surprised to learn several months back that is was allowed but that another story all together.  The Randleman Community Center and the Senior Center are operated by the City of Randleman and is therefore government property.  It seems that the other night one of the preachers that holds services there mentioned something about a former Democratic President of the United States of America  and one of his listeners was a member of that particular Presidents party was upset by the preacher's remarks and complained to the proper authorities about the remark.  As per the Constitution of the United States of America which guarantees us freedom from religion (wait that is freedom of religion)  all preaching is now forbidden at the Senior Center.
   I had thought about starting a prayer group at the Randleman square but I suppose that is know forbidden too.  Fortunately this incident does not affect my bible study group that meets at 5 pm every Tuesday because we meet at the Randleman Commons which is a privately owned facility.
I understand the man objecting to a discussion on politics, especially since the preacher was of the opposite party but I would have thought that he might have been a Christian also.  If he was his actions were not Christian at all because the scriptures teach us how to deal with people that we are offended by and that we are to keep ourselves out of judgement by the secular world.
  If the man was not a Christian, and judging by his actions it is hard to believe he was a knowledgeable one, if one at all, then he should be ashamed of his actions and seek God's forgiveness.  As for the preacher, he should learn to limit his speech to that which God called him to and that is preaching the Word of God as contained in the bible.  The only two things the bible has to say about government and politics is that Christians are to support government regardless of which party is in power or even in spite of the system  in place and the second is that we render unto Caesar what is Caesar and to God that which is His.  

Friday, March 01, 2019

Why I left my job

  An interesting article on reasons people quit their jobs.  I've held plenty of jobs over the years and the reasons I left are as varied as the jobs were.  My first job I was fired and rehired in just a matter of a few minutes.  Some places I worked went out of business.  I was fired from a part-time job once because the company decided that they wanted to make second shift a full time shift and this was my second job.  I had one job I took on a temporary bases berceuse I needed to earn "x" amount of money in  a short period of time.  There has been other jobs and other parting of the ways but my last job was one which I liked and the company liked me.
   One day, however, my boss made a derogatory remark to me.  Something to the effect that "this is my bar and I'll decide when last call will be".  I turned in my notice before leaving for the day.  No regrets.  I've always taken pride in my work and did what the job required, no matter how hard, with no complaints or grumbling.   I've always treated my co-workers and my bosses with respect and I always tried to earn the respect I wanted.  But that off handed comment was more than I wanted to deal with.  I was old enough to retire so instead of shrugging that one off as a momentary lapse in judgement on my bosses part I just retired.
   So glad I did.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

free Goldfish

  My pond has too many goldfish and I need to trim the school down by about 20 goldfish.  They are orange, orange and white, and one white one.  If you know of a good home for these fish let me know.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Bood sugar is always what you eat

  It is common belief that if one's blood sugar reading is high they must have eaten to many sweets but that isn't necessarily so.  Salt can raise your blood sugar too but so can stress, medicines and, believe it or not, not eating at all.  I missed 5 meals Monday and Tuesday to prepare for a medical procedure but still recorded my highest glucose reading in over six months.  Thursday I was feeling bad, had a high fever (104) chills and was shaking so bad I kept covered with three blankets.  I'm not used to not feeling well  so I hoped it would go away but yesterday I found myself in the ER.  My temperature was 103.9 when I first got there but after treatment it dropped to 99.
    I had taken my wife to lunch Thursday and felt find but the illness set it shortly thereafter (there is no connection)  Of course I missed my evening meal, and didn't eat anything all day and the only liquids I took was water.  Last night after getting home I did have a serving of sugar free pudding to take with my medicine.  My reading this morning was 488.
  My doctor told me that if one's blood sugar drops to low at night that their body will often covert stored energy to glucose and possible giving one a higher reading in the morning even though no food was consumed during the night.  I think that may be why my reading is so high.   I've lost 6 pounds this week due to fasting and sickness.  I believe my body has converted the stored fat into glucose thereby raising my blood sugar.  Add on stop of that stress, and the effects of the medication and it is understandable why it is so high.

Monday, February 11, 2019

The way it was: the transition years

  I was watching a special about the murder of Sam Cooke, a popular singer back when rock and roll first began.  That special brought back memories of what it was like growing up in the fifties and sixties and what it was like when America was transitioning from a "sperate but equal" status to integration.  The law, especially in the South, called for Negroes, as was the proper name back then, and Whites to be kept separate in business and schools but yet to be treated as equals.  It didn't even work in theory, let along in practice.
  I didn't meet my first black person until I was thirteen and I was fascinated with her.  She was young (in her twenties) and beautiful.  I was sixteen when I meet my second black person, a man named Junior Dula, who was my supervisor at my job with the recreation department for the city and an ex football player for the Redskins.  He was one of the nicest people I ever met.
   The first time I encountered black people my age was during the school year following the summer I worked with Mr. Dula,  As we rode the school bus through downtown we would pass a group of black children walking to school..  Some of the other kids would yell derogatory things at them.  I asked the kids why they did that and they said "because they're black."   That didn't make any sense to me.
  The first time I was really affected by prejudice is when I went to the Saturday matinee.  I wanted to sit in the balcony   but my friends told me it was for colored only.  Then I started to get a drink of water from the water fountain and again was stopped and told it was for colored only.  I didn't understand why I wasn't allowed to sit where I wanted to and get a drink of water if I needed one.  I thought it wasn't fair to me but when I complained to the theater staff they informed me that blacks had to sit in the balcony because it was hotter up there and that they had no access to the fountain sodas and candy counter.  I didn't think that was fair either.
  I grew up near the black high school and I remember how hard the football team had to practice.  I even went to one of their games and saw some of the most athletic displays I had ever witnessed.  When the talk began about integrating the school the year after I graduated, I wondered just how awesome our football team was going to be.  I was really disappointed when I saw my first game after integration.  The few blacks that were on the team were bench warmers.
  I was told it was because the blacks didn't want to join the team but I didn't buy into that because if they didn't want to play they would not have worked twice as hard as the white high school players did.  
  I was hopeful that after integration that the white kids would finally learn  just how nice black people were and blacks would have been appreciative of the better schools and better opportunities.  Maybe we can finally start to appreciate each other, celebrate our differences, and cherish each others contributions and abilities.  It wasn't to be and over fifty years later it still hasn't come to be.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

America is going crazy but won't admit Satan is real

It seems as if America is going crazy since kicking God out of public places, especially schools,  Americans are denying that Satan is real .  California proposed legislation making the bible illegal,
(it may have passed, I haven't heard), marijuana may be used instead f Retiling to treat children, New York passed legislation that allows abortion up to the moment before birth and New Jersey has a gender neutral option on their birth certificate.
  Life does not begin at birth nor does it begin at conception but life began at creation.   That is not just tissue growing in a woman's womb but   a human baby.  That baby should be given every opportunity to live and should be raised to be what God wants.  

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Another stupid article

  Layed off?  Do these 3 things. Daniel Kline The Motely Fool

  According to Daniel Kline the following are the three things you should do:
  1.  File for unemployment
  2.  Know your finances
  3.  Consider your options
  4.  At least make lemon squares

And I'm supposed to take advice from someone who can't count to four.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

January 23, 2019 Elisha

   If you listen closely you will hear something amazing.  Some at the church have been in a dire financial situation when a monetary solution arrived as if out of no where, myself included. Our pastor mentioned several months ago that that had never happened to him.
   During the fall he and his family took a trip to Ohio to be with his family there and on the way he had to call a tow truck to have his vehicle serviced.  No problems were found so he was able to retrieve his van on the way home.  The other day he again experienced similar problems with his van but was able to drive it to the dealership.  After the van was checked out he was told that the repair bill would be in the range of $3000.00.  There is no way he could afford that.
  It has been taken care of for him.  God is so good.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

It's not to early to be planning your garden

  Now is the time to begin planning your garden and gathering up the materials you will need and making sure your tools and equipment is in working order.  While surveying my yard, seeing how my plants are wintering, I noticed a hanging basket off my front porch behind a rose bush.  The plant is an annual so I was shocked a year ago when it began to grow back when the weather turned warm.  But in spite of the cold weather we have had and are still having, the plant is not only alive it is thriving and is in bloom at this very moment.  It most really like where it is living so I will leave it alone.  If it's happy then I'll just let it be happy.  

AGT the Champions

  Americas Got Talent: the Champions is a great variety show/talent contest.  If you have not seen it, it is worth watching.  Got Talent contestants from around the world who have either won the competition in their country or felt to deserve another shot at being the best are asked back to compete.  One act is given the golden buzzer and another is voted on by the viewing audience.  Only two acts go through to the finals.  Two former Britain's Got Talent contestants have already gone through:  the infamous Susan Boyle and singer Paul Potts who won BGT 11 years ago.
   In the regular season shows I like the golden buzzer but in this version I do not.  The judge selected to hit the golden buzzer has to make a decision before he/she has heard all the acts.  If the best act has already performed, then he/she can't go back.  Several acts that got the golden buzzer did not deserve it and it was obvious after everyone had performed.
  If the Champions want to keep the golden buzzer, then make it a total panel secret ballot after everyone has performed and before the voting results are announced.  I think it would make for a fairer competition and set up and America versus the Judges competition as well as the competition
among the contestants.   Only the best of the best should go through and the golden buzzer isn't working.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Looking forward to the summer garden

  I cut down all but two of my apple trees as they had been ravaged by cedar apple rust for years and I could never find the proper solution.  The lone Fuji apple tree is a beautiful tree that shows little sign of infection and the other apple tree is a Granny Smith which is needed to pollinate the Fuji apple tree.
  I also cut down all my grape vines.  Only one of the four produced edible fruit but I never learned the art of getting enough grapes on a cluster to ripen  at the same time.  I had to pick a few grapes each day and then I would go out to the vines and all would be gone.  Two vines had small grapes that never ripened.  My blackberries grew beside my grape vines but wild vines and briars started taking over the thorn less blackberries so I eliminated all of them.  I may begin again with blackberries and grapes in a more convenient location or maybe not.
   I do know that I will concentrate more on flowers this year and cut way back on my tomato plants.  As much as I love tomatoes, I do suffer from high blood pressure and one needs salt to fully enjoy a tomato.  I'll grow peppers (sweet and hot), and beets and greens and forgo the rest.  Still, I like to be outside growing things.    

Monday, January 14, 2019

Managing debt

  Debt is a thing most people struggle with.  I did for many years.  When I first started out I wanted to be debt free so I was a pay as you go person until one a day when then temperature was below freezing and my furnace went out.  Even though I was a degree day customer with the local oil company and had a proven record of paying my bills promptly, the company refused to fix my furnace because I was not a credit customer, even though I had cash on hand to pay for the repair work.
  After that experience I applied for and was approved for a credit card.  One company I worked for gave me an expense account but I had to use my personal credit card and apply for reimbursement.  The biggest problem is sometimes the bill was due before my reimbursement came and I was struck paying interest, late payments and on rare occasions over-the-limit fees.  My biggest mistake was getting my then wife a credit card for emergencies.  Want my idea of an emergency was and her idea were not the same thing.  My idea was if she got into a situation were she needed her car towed or repaired in order to get home then she would have the money to do so.  Her idea of an emergency was if she saw something she wanted and didn't have the money to buy it.  She spent more than I could pay.  When she died, she left me with a large credit card bill, all the normal expenses, the cost of funereal, and the loss of her income.
  It was a huge struggle to pay   all that debt but I finally did.  I made a budget and paid the minimum payment on all the cards except the one with the most interest (which was also the lest debt).  After one was paid off, I used that money to pay the next one.  There is one major rule and that is one has to increase income or lower debt.  I had to do both by being cautious and careful with all purchases, especially food purchases, walked where I could to save gas money, learned to do repairs myself, and took an extra job.
  I still have a credit card which I use frequently but I pay it in full every month.  I recently purchased a new car and paid for it in cash.  The only thing I own that is not paid for in full is my house.  No matter how deeply in debt you are and how impossible it seems to get out of debt it is possible.  It takes a workable plan, a determination to stick to the plan, and the willingness to do without for the present to insure a brighter future.
  First one needs to make a budget that will allow one to bring in more money than one spends and will allow one to save money.  The first money to be saved is an emergency fund which should be at least one thousand dollars.  After that goal is reached one needs to start a regular savings program that provides a higher return on investment, say $5,000.00.  After that any money saved should go into retirement savings.
   Unless you are disciplined enough to pay your credit card bill in full each month, I suggest you do not have one, or if you do, you have one with a very low limit.  I like my credit card because I do most of my shopping on line, the card lets me fill up with gas without having to go inside the station, and it allows me to purchase a wanted or needed item at a good price if I don't have the cash with me, but only if I will have the money to pay the card when the bill is due.  If you can't cut up your card because you will just end up back where you started.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Monday, January 07, 2019

New Year at the Commons and other outreach programs

  Today is the meeting with the employees at M &L.  The owner has so graciously invited our pastor to present 30 minutes of gospel teaching to his interested employees at his expense plus a free lunch.  Participation is optional, of course.   The reception by the employees has been positive so far.  I am anxious to see if the fund raiser held at the church for the employee who suffered a heart attack will have an effect on the group.
  We kicked off the New Year in style with our meeting with the folks at the commons on New Year's day.  I'm really looking forward to great things there this coming year and hopefully we can reach other residents who do not know Christ.  The meetings, held at 5 pm every Tuesday night, is open to everyone, not just residents.
  My pastor and I attended our first session of Anchor Baptist Fellowship in Greensboro.   The once defunct Association began anew several months ago (this is the 3rd meeting of the revived organization) and attendance was good.  There were eight or nine churches represented.  Anchor Baptist Fellowship meets the first Friday night of each month and features three preachers each night.  Each preacher is given 25 minutes to deliver his message.  Refreshments are usually served
after the meetings.  This fellowship is a great opportunity to fellowship with fellow pastors and preachers, find speakers for pulpit supply work and/or revivals and to make friendships.  As time goes on, I do hope this group grows strong.  

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Cunningham clamp

  For those men who are using a Cunningham clamp, I have found that coating the foam with a small amount of barrier cream reduces the irritation from using the clamp.  Be careful and not use too much as an excessive amount of barrier cream can cause the clamp to slide off.
   For those who have no idea what  barrier cream is or what a Cunningham clamp is be glad,