Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Robbery at Harris-Teeter

Greensboro, NC -- Police are searching for two suspects that robbed the Harris Teeter at 3330 West Friendly Avenue Tuesday morning.
Police said two black males wearing hoodies and masks entered the store in the Shoppes At Friendly just before 6am. Employees said the men showed a gun and demanded money.
The suspects left the store with an undisclosed amount of cash.
Police are asking anyone with information to call Greensboro Crime Stoppers at: 373-1000.

Greensboro Police

My former place of employment. 

The only info I can give is the police are looking for two idiots.  Management doesn't come it until 9 o'clock so there was no one that come open the safeand the only register that is open is the self-checkout so almost 100% of the nights sales will be inside the machine.  The cashier only keeps enough money for making change and the cashier only has to do that is the machine won't accept a bill or a machine malfunctions.

Wow, what idiots. 



I'm not dead

Reba mcIntre is the lastest celebrity to be caught upin the "Shes/he's dead posting that circle the internet.  Well, I'm not dead either.  It would be scarry if I was because this blog would be writting itself.

Of course I'm not a celebrity either but only because no one purchased my books.  Well, not so many people. 

The tides have turned

It just amazes me the number of people who express no belief in God and belittles those that do.  It hasn't been that many years ago that even if a person did not accept God as a reality, which is their right to do, they at least kept that belief to themselves and if they expressed their disbelief, it was with respect to believers.  But today non-believers have become hostile and derogatory towards God and believers, especially Christians. 

Is this the result of the evoluntionary theory or the banning of prayer from schools?  What the shame of it all is is that Christians have retreated back into their churches and ventured out to spread the gospel.  This slight persecution of Christians should be a wake up call and a call to arms to get out and work harder but instead I see a retreat. 

Maybe that's a result of changing God;s word to fit more into what we believe instead of adapting our beliefs to fit the word of God.

Groundhog day

Groundhog day has held my interest since I was old enough to know what groundhog day was.  I have never been a fan of cold weather so groundhog day has always been a special event, letting me know that there was still hope that winter did have an end.  I have always pulled for a prediction of an early end to winters cold, dark, grey, wet, sloppy existence  and an early coming of the buds and blooms of spring and the warmth of summer. 

This year we may have the beginning of spring befor the beginning of winter.  Whether this years weather is a result of global warming or a natural cycle is better left up to scientist to decide.  I am just happy that I have been   able to be outside working to clear the land at the church in hopes that one day we can put the property to better use than growing weeds on.     But as has happened in years past, we may go from winters to summers heat with hardly a glimpse of spring. 

There are just a few more trees to cut, one small section to clear, and lots of brush to carry off and ground to rack and my project at the church will be finished.  It really should not take more than four or five good days to finish up but I have a lot going on the next few weeks so it is hard finding the time to get the job done.  But it will get done. 

I know our church is tiny  but we have services that equal or surpass those of much larger churchs.  Once we start to grow, watch out.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

For Sale

I have 3 to 4 dozen baby koi, born in May of 2010 that I need to sell.  (I would have a more accurate count but they keep swimming around when I try to count them.)   There is a good variety of colors.  I am only keeping eight, one white one with an orange spot on its head, a white one with a tiny dark spot (casper), one black and white spotted one, and some tri-colored ones (showas, I believe).  Some are still small in the 2" or less, most are 3 to 5 inches, and some are  over 5 inches long. 

I would rather sell them to backyard enthusiasts but will sell to a pet store if necessary. 

Backyard birds

Friday, January 27, 2012

Trust no one

trust no one;  not even me. Great words to live by.  Even though we do find ourselves putting our trust in people like our close friends, oour spouces, our parents and siblings and our children we still should view their behavior based on the fruit they produce and not just their words. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

One Way Yard work

Property of One Way Baptist.

I have been working to clear this property and in this shot one can see the edge of the property as a few small trees and stumps are being cut. 

Web trickery

Web article promises a mouth watering recipe and then shows you a video, then promises you a peek at a celebraties dance moves then shows you a video of still pictures. 

The key word here is video.  It is harder to get you to look at an ad when the ad is attached to an article but in order to view what you were promised you will have to watch the ad in order to see the article if it is attached to a video.  Now why show a video of still pictures?  For one, if they told you all they had was still pictures of a person dancing, then tthey aresaying they have nothing od interest and you certainly aren't going to read an article about someone dancing but if they promise you a video then you will have had to watch the ad before discovering the trickery. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Labor of Love

My yard work at the church is almost to an end, at least for now.  I have two old tires to gather up, clean and take to Thomas Tire for recyling and the remnants of an old outhouse to gather up and dispose of.  of course rhere is a hole that needs to be filled in and a small section that the overgrowth needs to be cleared from but until some trees are cut I'm not going to mess with that area.  At this point in time it is rather useless to do so.

Either someone will have to donate labor with a chain saw to cut the trees and small stumps away as well as a few fallen trees or I will have to wait until next year and purchase a chain saw with my pumpkin money, which I really hoped to use to purchase a rider for my old age.

if I clear that piece pf property then the area cleared will be just too much for me to mow with a walk-behind mower.  I just don't want the saplings and the vines too get out of hand in the area until I'm ready for it too be cleared but it would be nice to go ahead and get the trees cut, especially sono more fallen limbs and leaves will make the job harder next year. 

Of course there is already numerous hardwood tress that have been fellen at the back of the property that someone desiring firewood is welcomed to come and cut.  I'm not cutting carrying, or hauling any wood for anyone. 

I'm going to take some pictures tomorrow and post  since it will be one day it should be clear and bright enough to get some shots.  I'll post them tomorrow or Thursday. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Death, burial, and resurrection

Tiny One Way Baptist Church baptised three last night, using the baptismal pool at New Salem Baptist Church on Old Greensboro Road.

One Way Baptist Church is sometimes mistaken for a museum or memorial in a park but it is a vital growing church.  If you ever come, make it when Rev. Savage is here from the City of Refuge which is the children's home sponsored by Bible Missionary Baptist Church near Charlotte.  If Rev. Savage can't reach a cold dead heart the kids sure can. 

The revival is being held in April and I will keep you posted on the exact dates and times. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

MLK Day and me

I was a college student when MLK was assassinated and I remember one student commenting that he was glad the SOB was dead.  I said "It doesn't matter what the man believes or what he had done, no one deserves to die by murder."  He just hung his head and mutterted 'You are right." 

I have to admit that up until that time I did not pay attention to the world around me.  Two years earlier when other students were protesting the war in Vietnam I was sitting in my dorm room unaware that a protest was even going on.  Of course I was just as aware of the civil rights movement as I was of the War in Vietnam but I was no more interested.  After all neither event really affected my life, at least, not until that student uttered that statement about MLK's death. 

It isn't common knowledge that the majority of Americans were not in favor of the Revolutionalry War against England and yet we honor the heroes of that movement until this day.  We not only elected the General of the Army as the first President we named a holiday after him.  True, he was famous, did something heroic, and, although most Americans did not support his cause, the citizenry recognized his sacrifices and his bravery and dedication to a cause that changed the cousrse of America.  Abraham Lincoln is also so honored with his birthday as a national holiday.  His decisions altered the course of this country and affected the lives of millions of people, then and forever. 

Great causes stir great feeling and call for great sacrifices and seldom are the causes popular.     MLK led a group of oppressed people in protest of the laws and attitudes that prevented them from being treated with dignity  as were the majority of the citizens.  It was a just cause.  Unlike the Revolutionary War which called for raising standing armies and plunging this entire nation into a war and the War Between the States which called for brother taking up arms agaist his brother and the ripping apart of this country in the bloddiest war this country has every known, the war waged by MLK was marked by demonstrations and the attempt was made to change minds and hearts and not to beat the oppressors into submission.  What MLK did was not popular but it did involve great sacrifice and dedication to a cause he believed in that changed the course of American forever.

To the English, Americans are still looked down on and some still refer to us a the colonies.  In many ways some Americans are still fighting the civil war and bitter about the outcome so in the same ways, some Americans will never give in to the ideas of freedom and equality for all Americans.  We should be a country, we should be united and we should treat each one of our citizens with the same degree of equality. 

To be honest, there should not be a black culture or an espanic culture in this country.  It should be an American culture.  But then American is the land of freedom and opportunity.  In some countries everyone has to be of the same religion and if you decide to believe something different you have put your life at risk.  But in the USA one can be Muslim, Baptist, or Luthern or of no religion without fear of persecution from the government. 

Black history month, MLK day, the NAACP, Bill Cosby, or Oprey Winfred came make all Americans love or even like each other.  We have to do that ourselves.  When our music, way of talking and way of dressing is more identified with our age than it is with our race we will have ventured well into becoming one nation.

Martin Luthern KIng day should not be a black holiday any more than Washingtons birthday is a white holiday.  After all, what MLK did changed this country for the better for all people, my self and my family as well.  We must remember that is the majority is allowed to take the freedoms from the miniority, one day someone can justify taking your freedoms from you.  We are all free or none of us is free. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Adam Lambert and Justin Beiber would make a cute couple, don't you think?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First lady rips 'angry black woman' image

During the interview Mrs. Obama said "I love my job." Where doesshe work?  I thought she was a stay at home mom.  Being First lady isn't a job although it may seem like hard work bossing your staff around it isn't an occupation or a profession. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Boring Game?

Just read an article about how boring the LSU/Alabama game was and how maybe Oklahoma should be named the national champions even though LSU was the number one team and Alabama was number two  and based on a squeaker of a victory, 9-6 in the first contest.  No one complained of boredom in that first overtime victory.

I have read stories of how this was going to be a low scoring hard fought contest like the firsdt game was because both teams had great defenses.  There was a game in the last few weeks in which the two teams scored like 160 some points and everyone was bellyaching about how sloppy and boring that game was and that an all offensive game was more boring than a hard fought defensive contest is and one writer said he would be looking forward to this game between LSU/Alabama because it would be a well played defensive contest.  Now he is complinning for the same reason.

I don't watch football with the exception of the Super Bowl now and then.  Most games are boring to me considering the average amount of action per contest is only about 7 minutes. 

Monday, January 09, 2012

My dog can eat your dog

Not really, but people who love pit bulls claim itisn't the dog but irresponsible dog owners that is the problem and they are correct to a certain degree.  Just as gun advocates claim that gun owners don't kill people, guns do, it is people making bad decisions that is the problem. 

Bad people don't train poodles to be killers.  Pit bulls are the dogs of choice because they are aggressive, strong, and easy to train.  Of course pit bulls are not the only aggressive dog in the neighborhood  but then again if I was going to a gun fight I would not bring a derringer. 

Alabama Wins

Earlier in the season Alabama suffered in lone loss to LSU and that was a 9-6 loss in overtime with the only scores coming from Field Goals. Many felt that Alabama did not deserve a shot at the national championship because of the loss to LSU but they were given the shot and made the most of it with a
21-0 victory, finally scoring a touchdown late in the fourth quarter. The extra point was missed but Alabama didn't need it as their special team and their defense was too much for LSU.

A communication device

Once upon a time humans did not have a way to communicate unless they were in close proximity with each other.  As time passed man made way.  One of the first, I imagine was the drum, then the post, which was most likely delivered by horseback but not for the common man but royalty.  The common man probably did not know how to read or write and had no use for posting. 

Of course from that was born the post office, telegraph and the telephone.  Over the years a few changes were made in the design of the telephone necessitated by the increase in use of the phone.  On the first ones there was a hand crank that alerted an operator.  One held the ear piece to ones ear and spoke into the fixed voice unit on the phone box inself.  Later a dial was added with ten digits and a set of buttons that would create a connection with the operator when the speaker/earpiece was lifted off its cradle. 

All phones were owned by the phone company then and a customer only rented them.  The phone company was responsible for all repairs.  The big revolution came when customers were allowed to own their own phones.  The number of phone users increased and so did the desire to have a private number instead of the party line system that had previously been in place.  The party line system was a number shared by five or six families.  In order to use the phone one had to lift the receiver and listen for a dial tone.  If  one was heard one could then dial a number.  If a voice was heard on the other end, one just hung up and tried again later.

A huge step forward was the invention of the cordless phone which allowed the user to move about while talking on the phone instead of being limited by the length of a cord.  The next step forward, believe it or not, was the CB radio.  Made popular by "trucker" songs" people realized that they could have the ability to communicate with each other from their cars while driving along the highway without the extraordinary expense of car phones which were only for diplomats and wealthy people. 

People being what they are, CB use quickly disintergrated into a field of shouting matches, insults, and sexual batterings, much like the comment sections on Yahoo sportspage except one didn't actually have to be able to read  or write to insult others on the CB.  People finally became tired of being abused by strangers and trying to figure out which of 40 channels friends and family were on so the base of car phones becan to expand.  Soon people didn't want to be stuck in their cars or houses either and public phones were such a nusance to use.  The cell phone was born allowing people to talk to each other anywhere and at anytime. 

The only trouble with cell phones is that people had these expensive little toys that gave them freedom to communicate with others at will but people had nothing worthwhile to say.  So camera phones were invented to give people something to do while waiting on a phone call.  People are any better at taking pictures then they were at finding useful things to taslk about on their new cell phones  so the application was born.  One can go on the internet and find stuff, look at TV and movies, use their phone as a GPSD systems and all sorts of neat stuff.  The only problem was that if called someone who wasn't available to accept their call one had to leave a voice message and who klikes talking to no one. 

To solve that problem text messaging was invented so now one can communicate with whomever and never actually have to speak to anyone. 

The great thing about these new phones is one can send out a text message to hundreds of people at the same time.  In foreign counters, the abuility has been used to organize protests that have brough down governments.  Here in the USA we have used this technology to organize "Days without Pants".

As the saying goes "Only in America". 

Not that it is but as revolting as the idea of seeinbg hundreds of people walking around with pants on, it sure beats "planking". 

Sunday, January 08, 2012

9 Tools That Every Home Needs

From an article on Yahoo.  I have every one of these items or a reasonable facimile thereof except for the corkscrew.  I have a bible, a KJV, which I find infinitely more valuable than a cork screw. 

9 Tools That Every Home Needs

By Julia Lewis, House Beautiful
From a cool corkscrew to the indispensable Swiss Army knife, design pros share the tools that you need in your home.
Johnson 9
Lara Robby/Studio D

Johnson 9" Magnetic Aluminum Torpedo Level

"You gotta have a little level. We all need that gravity check to keep our furniture and artwork in line."
—David Kaihoi, interior designer
Starting at $10; Yahoo! Shopping.
SwissChamp Swiss Army Knife
Lara Robby/Studio D
More from
House Beautiful:

SwissChamp Swiss Army Knife

"Besides the blades, my Swiss Army knife has scissors, screwdrivers, a bottle opener, and a lot of other small tools that I use all the time."

—Roderick Shade, interior designer
$93, swissarmy.com.
Kartell Tiramisu Step Ladder
Courtesy of Kartell

Kartell Tiramisu Step Ladder

"A sturdy stepladder. My favorite is the Tiramisu by Kartell."
—David Mann, interior designer
$345, Yahoo! Shopping.
Black & Decker PivotPlus 6V Screwdriver
Courtesy of Black & Decker

Black & Decker PivotPlus 6V Screwdriver

"I truly love my Black & Decker cordless screwdriver."
—Kerry Joyce, interior designer
$30, target.com.
Inova X1 LED Flashlight
Courtesy of Inova

Inova X1 LED Flashlight

"At four inches long and with the diameter of a lipstick tube, the Inova X1 flashlight is sleek and compact, but it emits a bright, focused, circular beam like a spotlight."
—Ann Wolf, interior designer
$24, niteize.com.
Goo Gone Spray Gel
Courtesy of Goo Gone

Goo Gone Spray Gel

"Goo Gone works like a miracle. It's my secret weapon for removing price tag residue and years of gunk on flea market finds."
—Nick Olsen, interior designer
Starting at $4, Yahoo! Shopping.
Natural Radius Grip Garden Trowel
Radius Garden 3.25 In. x 11.75 In. Grip Trowel

Natural Radius Grip Garden Trowel

"A small hand shovel, or as I call it, a 'crabgrass eliminator.' I use it to dig up weeds, as well as to pot plants."
—John Danzer, furniture designer
Starting at $10, Yahoo! Shopping.
Metrokane Rabbit Corkscrew
Courtesy of Metrokane

Metrokane Rabbit Corkscrew

"A good, reliable corkscrew adds to the quality of life."
—Phoebe Howard, interior designer
$50, macys.com.
Sweep Dreams
Courtesy of Lara Robby/Studio D

Sweep Dreams

"My stylish stripe-handled straw broom from Alice Supply Co. is good for everything from sweeping my front porch to grabbing cobwebs I can't reach to swatting the occasional bat that flies inside."
—Sheila Bridges, interior designer
$30, in striped, store.alicesupplyco.com.

More from House Beautiful:
6 Tricks for a Perfectly Organized Home Office
9 Colorful Ways to Cheer Up Your Kitchen
Living Rooms You’ll Love
Follow Yahoo! Shopping on and become a fan on

Family's Kristy McNichol Comes Out as a Lesbian

Thuis is a strange headline from Yahoo considering there is no article to goalong with the headline.  There is just the headline and then comments. 

Kristy McNichol was a cute kid when she played on Family but I thought everyone knew she was gay back then.  How long has it been since that show was on? 

For this to be in the news, she must be involved in something that she needs to get the word out about.  What is she up to?

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Gingrich's NAACP, Food Stamp Remarks Stir Controversy

Actually, white people use assistance programs in far greater numbers than minorities do but minorities use assistance programs in a larger percentage of their population.  It's been fifty years since intergration and there is still plenty of discrimination to go around.  Just check out "Family Fued" with Steve Harvey as host.  almost every show features a black family as contestants.  going by that show, half of the American population is balck, half is white, and other cultures are only something we read about in newspapers and books and see on the internet. 
It really would not matter which race is in charge of anything.  People favor other people they can relate too.  That is human nature and we must learn to accept that part of life.

Now when Newt said that he believes certain people would prefer paychecks over food stamps, granted, he should not have said certain people but I do believe most people would prefer to earn their own way.  Of cource there are bums out there who want what others have and don't want to do anything for themselves if they can take their needs and wants from other people. 

The only thing that is going to solve the racial problem in this society or any other society is the end of civilization .  Skinny people will always poke fun at fat people, good-looking folks will always poke fun at ugly people, jocks will always poke fun at clumsy peoply. smart people will always look down on stupid people, and on and on forever.  If somneone is different from you there is the potential for either you or they to find fault with each other. 

Subtle discrimination, while irratating, is always going to be with us so we might as well get used to it and stop complaining about it.  I just don't think Newt or any other person who becomes President will be able to design program that will aid only one segment of the population.  I didn't actually hear what Newt said -only read what was reported-and it did sound like an unwise statement but not one worth getting upset about.  After all, I am sure most black folks would rather be  self supporting than have to depend on handouts but so would I and so would any other people, all races and cultures equally. 

Beibers Cartoon

Justin Bieber Reveals Latest Religious Tattoo – An Image Of Jesus

First of all, no one really knows what Jesus looks like but we do know he never did look like the popular blue-eyed blonde seen in most depictions of him.  Secondly, I have no desire to look at cartoons on any mans leg, especially a male like Justin Beiber.  Thirdly, drawing on oneself in permanent color is silly

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Who is fighting whom?

The Iraquis have been fighting since the USA invaded the country nine years ago.  The claim is that they have been waging an internal struggle against the invaiders and a puppet government.  Now that the USA has withdrawn its troops, exactly who is still fighting in Iraq and whom are they fighting? 

If  Islam is the religion of peace, as Muslims claim, then the country should quickly return to a peaceful condition.  Can it possible be that Muslims serve a false God, that Ali is a lie, and the one true God is the God of Abraham, the God served by the Jewish community and the Christian community?   

Evolution in Action

Scientists said on Tuesday that they had discovered the world's first hybrid sharks in Australian waters, a potential sign the predators were adapting to cope with climate change.
The mating of the local Australian black-tip shark with its global counterpart, the common black-tip, was an unprecedented discovery with implications for the entire shark world, said lead researcher Jess Morgan.
"It's very surprising because no one's ever seen shark hybrids before, this is not a common occurrence by any stretch of the imagination," Morgan, from the University of Queensland, told AFP.
"This is evolution in action."

Two sharks mated and had a baby shark.  If a collie and a shepard dog mated maybe the puppies would be unlike other puppies but they are still dogs.  Two black tip sharks mated and had a baby black tip shark.  What has evolved? 

If evplution is suppose to be an improvement. then why don't humans have the ability to climb trees and have a hairy bofy like chimps?  How can being born subject to the elements and more vunerable to predators should an evolvement? 

Evvolutionin action.  Not by any strencth of the imagination.

Monday, January 02, 2012

New years Sunday School Lesson

The Two Roads

Matt 7:13-14

There are two gates and two roads

The gates have a purpose: to keep the world out

Our pastor preached a wonderful message on this scripture almost a year ago but I want to look at the scriptures from a slightly different perspective. It has been taught that the two roads go to different places but what if they both go to the same place?

Think of the wide road as a multilane superhighway. It could have three, four, five or even more lanes.

Traffic on the right:

Christians who live in the right lane tend to be intolerant, judgmental believers who are convinced they are defending the faith. They are like drivers who drive strictly the speed limit who are quick to criticize other drivers. These Christians follow a strict code of behavior and are quick to point out the short comings of others. Some of their characteristics are:

  1. Too narrow a translation of the bible.
  2. Certain behaviors are a sin, i.e. Singing in church, attending church on Sunday, using the wrong translation of the bible, dressing a certain way
  3. music must meet a strict standard
  4. Observance of church rituals must be adhered to strictly.
  5. Must behave in a very strict manner
  6. dogmatic in their beliefs
  7. critical of the way others do things, especially if it doesn't meet their criteria.

The Christians on the right dictate to others what their behavior should be, they are demanding, unfulfilled, and for the most part they are unhappy. They are like the Parisees, adhering to the letter of the law but ignoring the laws intent.

The left Lane

The Christians who live in the left lane have an entirely different take on their religion. They have a more tolerant viewpoint on life. Some of the ways one can recognize these folks are by the following characteristics:

    1. They want to leave out those parts of the bible they find offensive. Like the blood, sin, and unnatural lifestyles.
    2. They want to water down the truth to make living a Christian life easier.
    3. They want to change scriptures to conform to their beliefs.
    4. They only want to teach those parts they believe in.

These folks are unfulfilled in their Christian life and difficult to recognize from non-believers.

The Center lane

Churches are full of people who like to drive, or live, in the center lane. They pride themselves on not being so dogmatic that it turns people off and not being so liberal that no one really knows what they believe in. These people can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  1. Like things more conventional but don't reject the liberal teachings outright.
  2. Like the newer programs and newer forms of worship but don't reject the old-fashioned ways outright.
  3. They aren't quite ready to commit their lives wholly to Christ but are afraid to stray.

These people weave on the roadways, sometimes passing on the right, sometimes speeding down the far left lanes, but always coming back to the middle where they feel safer.

Many of the Christians on the wide road are motivated to lead, especially those on the left and to a lesser degree but the Christians traveling the narrow path, while content to just follow, are the true leaders.

The narrow Road

The narrow road really isn't a road but maybe more like a wide path. There are few people going this way but if you find one you will recognize them by the following characteristics:

  1. They realize God is in control.
  2. They realize that being a Christian is being in a relationship with Christ and is not trying to adhere to a code of conduct or merely attending church or accepting a religion.
  3. They are willing to do what God wants them to do but not expecting God to bless them for what they want to do in God's name.
  4. They are willing to love others in spite of faults and are willing to serve others, to do what is necessary to further God's kingdom from the lowliest tasks to the following of commandments.
  5. They seek no honor for themselves but do all they do for the glory and honor of God.

The way is narrow not because it is hard to follow but because it doesn't have to be wide for one person to follow another or for two to walk side-by-side. The path only becomes hard when we take our eyes of Jesus (as Peter did when walking on the water) and get in the flesh.

The narrow road is the scenic route. One the wide road, the superhighway the destination is the goal. But on the narrow road, the journey is the goal. It isn't a rocky thorny difficult path that many have claimed it to be but a calm, pleasing stroll with the one we love.

The person who travels the narrow path have a glow about them that the world can see, a smile on their face when they have no right to smile, a happiness about them

when the world sees no reason for them to be happy.

As you go about your day do so thinking about Jesus and how sweet it is to have a savior like him, to know that God loves you and that no matter what happens in this world, God is in control.

Enjoy the trip.
