Monday, September 28, 2009

taunted at work

Last night I observed a man shopping. What drew my attention was what he had in his shopping cart" a 5-lb bag of potatoes, some tomatoes, a bag of salad mix, and a copy of the weekly ad. Why would that draw my attention?

Thieves aren't the brightest people in the world and in an attempt to cover up for the steaks they intend to steal, they want to appear to be shopping for a cookout. No one but thieves shop this way, from my experience. I looked around for the user of theis shopping cart and saw a man wearing a tan cloth car cap and large oval sunglasses (it's almost 8 pm in Spetember, for crying out loud) who reaches for two packs of steaks without even checking the price or quality of cut. In fact, he wasn't even looking at the meat when he picked the steaks up. He wss looking for someone watching him. I could see the change in the color of his skin when he saw me looking at him.

Maybe next time he will realize that people having a cookout will buy baking potatoes and not 5 pounds of russets, and it takes more to make a slad than lettuce and tomatoes, and to dress like everyone else. Attempts to disquise one elf actually draws attention.

The checkout was extremely busy around that time of night but he had no intention of going through the register. He only waited in line because he saw me up front. He even made the point of walking towards me and yelling "hey" as he waved to me. It was either his weak attempt to intimitate me or to express his frustration at having to wait for another opportunity to steal.

Poor fellow had to stand in line for ten minutes because I was standing there. At 7:58 I walked back to my department to look up my work tools and head to the time clock to punch out. His buggy was still where it was when I left the front end but the man and the two packs of steaks were long gone.

He didn't have to wait so long to steal. I hace no authority to stop a thief--in fact I would get fired if I did. Besides, he is on video tape.

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