Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Is it in the numbers?

Years ago I was told that 10% of all people would lie and steal even if they did not have to and 10% of people would never ie or steal regardless of the circumstances.
Staistics say 15 out of ever 1000 girls will engage in prostitution.

It that just in the numbers or is there something that can be done to reduce those numbers. I know there is a common thread among street prostitutes in regardless to their early family life and their personality types but the numbers seem they would be skewed by those girls who are rnnaways and befriended by pimps or those girls sold by family members and put into forced prostitution.

Sometimes it is a good girl from a good family that just seems to go haywire for no apparent reason.

Do we really have an input into who and what they become or are they just who they were destined to be, just because it is in the numbers?

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