Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Need some advise or a sympathetic ear

  Larry, Jeff's brother, was hired to build the front and back porch and the handicap ramp on a commercial building.  When it came time for the building inspector to inspect the work neither Jess nor Larry were present but a third person who was mowing the lawn.  The inspector failed the project and gave the third person a verbal list of things that needed to be corrected. 
  This person sought to go over the list with Jeff so Jeff could explain what needed to be done with his brother but Jeff became angry because he believed his brother  did the work correctly and the county inspector was full of it.  The third person explained to Jeff that he was only the messenger and that by default but to not avail. 
   It doesn't seem to matter to anyone that this third person, the man mowing the grass, is the actual owner of the building and is the only person who has the financial means to correct the problems with the deck.  He has not been consulted about how to get the problem fixed. 
  So what is the proper way for this person to proceed.  Just stay out of the situation or take charge?

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