Saturday, September 26, 2015

Will gays go to hell?

    It seems many well meaning people who consider themselves Christian claim if one is gay they are condemned to hell.  It's a shame that so many people think being a Christian is abiding by a set of moral codes and being a good person and nothing could be further from the truth.    No one is condemned to hell  because of what they do or who they are.  Hell is not a place of punishment for doing bad things.  Hell is a place of torment created by God for Satan and his angels.  However, man is a sinful creature and God cannot condone sin.  He has declared that no sin shall enter into His presence.  Only sinners will go to hell.  The scriptures declare that None are righteous, no not one.  We all are sinners and if one claims he is not a sinner he is a liar.  So how does one escape hell?
    It certainly isn't by attending church or reading one's bible or by telling people their lifestyle will send them to hell.  None of us are good enough to make it on our own.  It has become popular today to make salvation too simple.  Many people today believe that because they accept that God is real that they are heaven bound.  Others think because they joined a church or was baptized they have made it into heaven.  Well, that isn't true either.   The scriptures tell us that there will be many who will claim that they did so and so in Jesus name and therefore are qualified to enter heaven and they will be told to depart because they are not known. 
  No one gets into heaven by being moral or good or by attending church or anything else one thinks that they need to do to feel righteous.  They can't get into heaven by following or preforming rituals. 
The only way to enter into heaven is by having a personal relationship with Christ. 
   It is true that the Bible looks upon homosexuality as a sin but it isn't grave or serious sins that condemn one of hell.  There is only one sin and that is the sin of unbelief.  It is equally true that if one accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior that they will no longer have a desire to sin but have a desire to live their lives as Christ would have them live it.  We will still make mistakes because we are still wrapped in this body of flesh.  If one continues to practice sin after claiming to have become a Christian then there is something wrong with their claim.  If they still sin but have a desire to follow Christ then that is evidence of salvation.  A sinner doesn't become a saint at conversion   any more than a fetus because an adult at birth.  It takes time to grow into maturity both as a human and a Christian. 
   One cannot interest another in Christ by condemning them but by showing them the love of Christ. 

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