Wednesday, September 06, 2017


  Every once in a while a spider will build a web near one of my security cameras.  Actually there is only one camera that seems to attract the creatures.  Now and then I have to do a clean sweep of the camera to clear the lens.  When I did so Saturday I must have made the resident spider mad.  Apparently that spider must have hired a hit spider because when I woke Sunday morning I had a painful right foot.  Sunday evening my foot was badly swollen.  I stayed in Monday watching TV and had an ice pack strapped to my foot
   Tuesday morning the foot was so painful I had to get a cane to help me hop from place to place until my doctor's appointment at 3:30.  It takes a lot for me to place a call to a doctor but this sore foot was adversely affecting my quality of life.  I made the correct decision to go as it was determined that the cause of my dilemma was from a bite from a brown recluse spider.
  I had an uncle that drove a truck.  He was in Louisiana when he got bit but choose to ignore it until he got to New Jersey.  He could not walk and was hospitalized for three days.  An aunt of mine also suffered a brown recluse bite but is so stubborn she refused to go to the doctor.  She is permanently
crippled as a result.
I was given some antibiotics and some prednisone and after a few hours my foot began to deflate.  It is about half the size it was when I went to see the doctor and most of the soreness if gone.    
  I think I will start spraying my shoes with Lysol before putting them on.

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