Monday, March 04, 2019

We need a new supreme court ruling

  It is my considered opinion that the constitution guarantees the American citizen freedom of religion.  The law reads that no law can be enacted that prohibits the free exercise thereof.   To ban prayer from schools and to make it illegal to hold religious services on state owned property and to remove religious symbols from public land is to me prohibiting the free exercise of religion.  What the law says  is that any religion should have the same opportunity as any other religion.
  Instead of banning preachers from the Randleman community center all religions should be given the opportunity to conduct services.  Talking politics places a churches tax free status in jeopardy but the speakers at the Senior Center were not operating a church and were not receiving compensation so there is no tax free status to jeopardize.  I think the decision to ban preaching was hasty and wrong.  

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