Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Situation

I'm not complaining but just stating some facts.  I can understand both sides of the issue and I have come to understand that life isn't fair and that what one person considers fair is not always the correct gauge of fairness.
   When I first went to Vietnam in 1970 I met a young man named Dave and we have remained friends all these many years.  As a result of our service in Vietnam we were both exposed to Agent Orange and have developed similar health problems.  Also due to our jobs we both suffer from hearing loses.
   The government furnishes me with hearing aids and supplies at no cost to both of us.  Dave also gets a small compensation check but I don't.
  We both developed similar problems around the same time.  Dave's doctors correctly diagnosed   his problems 4 years ago and together Dave and his doctors made the decision not to treat his condition because he is more likely to die of a heart attack or some other ailment than he is of the cancer they found.  As a result, he receives quarterly monitoring and a large monthly  compensation.
  By the time my cancer was detected  my problems were more severe and the cancer was life threatening.   After weighing all my options it became obvious surgery was my best choice, especially considering my life expectancy was much longer than Dave's due to his heart condition and COPD.  
   To be totally truthful, Dave's problems from his cancer are inconvenient just as mine were for me.  My problems as a result of my surgery are much worse.  Besides the loss of function I have to wear an outside medical devise that is not safe to wear and will be facing the implantation of another device soon.
   Needless to say life was way better before surgery and now I will shortly lose my compensation because I'm considered cancer free even though the surgeon said the cancer could remain in my body for up to 10 years undetected.  To some it doesn't seem fair that Dave should be compensated for a condition that we both have in common just because he elected to live with the condition when he could have a quick one and done treatment that would solve his problem and I'll lose my compensation even though my surgery actually made my daily life much worse.
  On the other hand, some would not consider it fair to continue to compensate me for a problem that I had fixed.
  I don't know if surgery or one of the other forms of treatment will still be an option for Dave down the road.  I hope it will be.
  I'm glad he receives his compensation and it would be nice to continue to receive mine.  It's for sure my cancer would have killed me long before his would have killed him  and if given the choice between surgery and life or the compensation I would choose life.  So I received my benefits for which I am grateful.    

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