Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Last week was rough

  Sat down for lunch Thursday and suddenly felt nauseous and then I got a serious case of the chills.  I left the table and sat down in my recliner and covered up. My wife added three more blankets  but I just couldn't stop shaking.  It was a shivering but a violet shaking and I sat like that from 12 noon until 6:30 before I quit.  Then I began to feel warm so I got up, put myself to bed  with no shirt or pants and the fan going on medium and not covered up at all and I slept until 4 am (which is my normal wake up time).
   I just felt too wasted to go to the gym.  It fact I never even got dressed that day: or the next for that matter.  I felt much better Sunday morning and by Monday I was back to being my normal self.  I had a busy Monday, going to the gym and then   taking my wife out for lunch  before delivering a care package to a couple in need.  My wife headed to the doctor's after doing a little housework while I went outside and did some work in the yard.  I then came in and prepared my lesson for tonight.

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