Monday, February 17, 2014

We;re growing

Sometime this week I am heading to Kinston to view some NC Educational Modular Building.  sometimes things just don't work out as hoped.  A few months back, it the summer time, we had a lead on a 28 x  50 ft building  but by using the time we needed to get the money together the building was no longer available.  It wasn't a big disappointment that we didn't get it.  We had just started to grow.

Three years back we had two families to leave the church, one to go into the mission field and one to take a position with a church in Thomasville.  Their departure left us with the Pastor and his wife, my wife and me, a 92 year old woman and an 82 year old man.  We were kind of like the crew and passengers of the USS Minnow: just riding a sinking ship.  We started praying but it seemed every time we added one another would leave.  Two and a half years into our 9 pm prayer service we seemed to be stuck at 13.  unfortunately, it was a revolving thirteen. 

Then, six months ago we started to grow.  We added two families, then another, then another, and now we have two more families that are seriously considering joining us.  We are averaging around 29.  In the last five weeks, we had 45, 29, 29, 40, and today about 35 (unofficial count).  Not many, you say? 

Well our building is over two hundred years old.  The building was occupied from 1960 until 1990, then it sat empty until 2006.  That church folding in 2009.  The building only holds 40;  the preacher and 39 congregants. 

   We now have a youth group started and we need room for them plus we need room for them to have a Sunday School class. 
    We now have the money to get a building.  Of course we'll need a little more to fix it up right and to finish the parking lot but we are close.  Once we get the new building we'll have room for twice the people.  We don't have chairs for them yet but that will come. 

   If you want to be a part of our growth you can do one or more of the following:
     1.  Come visit us and give due consideration to joining us.
     2.  Make a cash contribution to help us obtain and furnish our facilities.
     3.  Pray for us

I'm excited about what's going on in that little church but not because of the number of people being added or about getting new facilities but because of the lives being touched there.  We had three teenagers come to accept Christ this month

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