Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The planet is doomed

Reading stories on my home page this morning and found an article on climate change.  The gest of the article is that we are warming up faster than anticipated.  The horrors the article points out is that by the end of the century Miami and Bangladesh will no longer exist and over half the world's population will have died from heat.  When the permafrost melts off the trapped carbon will accelerate global warming to such a degree that the world will most certainly become uninhabitable for humans.
  But, according to the article, this doesn't have to me.  If only we took the threat more serious and began doing things to prevent the increase in warming we will be able to prevent much of the tragedy,
  The article does mention that there have been 4 or 5 previous periods of time when the climate changed and life on earth was virtually eliminated.   All of these events were climate related except for the meteors that killed off the dinosaurs.  Man was a non influence in all of these events and they happened anyway.  We neither caused nor could we prevent climate change in the past and yet we are urged to believe we are the cause and the prevention method for the current one.  But there is something even more startling than that.  The author said we should pray for the cornfields.
  I suppose in a sub-conscious way he is acknowledging the possibility that there just might be a God.  But from the tone of the article man is in control even if we are out of control and we get to decide our future within the context of science and nature.  Well, the writer is not totally wrong.
  The end is coming and there is  nothing man can do about that but our future is up to us.  That non existent God the writer said to pray to does exist but the way to limit the affects of climate change is through prayer and not controlling carbon emissions.  Accepting Christ as our Lord will assure us that we will not be here when the end comes but will be safe with Jesus.
  Many people don't believe in climate change just as many people do not believe in Jesus but that makes neither any more or any less real.  Many people believe that man can solve our own problems and those many people are correct. but man cannot solve our problems through man but only through Christ.

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