Thursday, September 06, 2018

Good report from the doctor

  Went to see my Urologist Tuesday and received a good report.  My incisions are healing properly and I was released from restricted activity.  During surgery 7nodes were removed for examination and all seven proved to be benign.   That's a really good thing.  I hope to get the results from mu PSA tests in a day or two.

   My next appointment is in 2 1/2 months but the doctor wants me to go to Kernersville for a PSA test a week before seeing him.  After that, all my exams should be in Kernersville.

  Before surgery, I walked every other day and did water aerobics for and hour and a half every other day but since been on restricted physical activity it seems I have grown soft.  Starting today I'm going back to walking and hope to be back to my old self soon.  It will be a while before I can go back to the pool.  I have to regain bladder control, otherwise it would not be fair to everyone else to be constantly leaking into the pool.

  The doctor said it would take me about twice to heal as it takes most people because of the size of my prostate as more nerves were damaged.  He suggested that I do my exercises every hour 10 times instead of the 20 times 4 times a day normally done.

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