Thursday, October 18, 2018

To all Republicans

  Someone posted the following om my Facebook page.  This just after I asked people not to post political stuff, especially if some stuff has hurtful or hateful rhetoric.  

"To all Republicans who insist on banning abortion because it kills human babies.

    So do chemical spills in our waters,  And gun rampages in our malls and at our schools.  And starvation because mothers can't earn a living wage even working 60 hour a week.  And curable diseases when parents have no access to affordable health care.
  And yet while you sanctimoniously stick your nose in my family planning choices, you have smugly opposed every attempt at safety regulations, gun control, raising minimum wage, and the ACA.
You are the worst kind of hypocrites: arrogant and ignorant.  You are what's wrong with America today."

   When I took my first job as an adult, minimum wage was ninety cents an hour.  When I got out of the Navy minimum wage had risen to $1.80 an hour.  That year I worked 48 hours a week at $2.25 an hour and my wife worked 40 hours at minimum wage.  We rented a nice apartment, purchased a new car, bought new furniture (cash) and I'm talking about quality furniture that I owned for 45 years, ate well, and still saved a thousand dollars that year.  When I retired I made twice the minimum wage, rented an apartment that was half the size and less than half the quality of my first apartment, drove a used vehicle, had second hand furniture (the place was too small for the good stuff I had purchased 35 years earlier) and was just barely able to put food on the table after paying my bills.
  In all the years of raising the minimum wage did nothing put hurt my standard of living.  The things that improved my lot in life were better and more education.  Gun ownership is guaranteed by the constitution  and in cities with the strictest gun control measures the murder rate is among the highest in the country because only the criminals have access to weapons.  The affordable health care act was passed by a Democratic President and Congress so if it is ineffective don't blame the Republicans.
  I have no idea what the ACA is but I can tell you that women who get pregnant and don't want the baby so have an abortion did not practice any form of family planning.  A prophylactic or a birth control pill is cheaper and safer than an abortion.  The time to exercise control over ones body is before the act not afterwards.  Don't blame us for loving our children.
  Calling me arrogant and ignorant and a hypocrite just throws up barriers to an open and hones dialogue about how to solve problems.  Just because you disagree with my views doesn't make me wrong and more than it makes you right.  The same principle works for me as well.  name calling is a tactic that is used by the ignorant who have no other way to get their thoughts across.  

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