Friday, September 23, 2011

lots of rain

Randleman received a hair shy of four inches of rain the last two days, three of which came today. More is expected tomorrow and some Sunday. My water ponds are full as are my rain barrels and my front yard is standing in water as usual after a hard rain. We needed it but I have fire ants in my yard and I can't put out poison until it drys up.

well, that's not quite true. I purchased a box of spikes which lasts for three months so they can go out in the rain.They may take car of the smaller hills and are supposed to work within 24hours and keep working for three months. The other stuff is supposed to kill instantly and is better for the bigger hills.

My neighbor has two large hill next to his driveway but he doesn't care as he is moving, Monday being his last day. He is a good man and a super nice guy but he is dumb as a brick. I'm not sure he can read or write but I do know that he signed up for a bd deal when he purchased his home. His payments are higher than his total income for the month.

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