Thursday, September 22, 2011

MJ shipment tracked to NFL players

Three NFL players were at the home of a Bengals player in Kentucky when one of them signed for a delivery of pot. Many of the commenters on this news story were either upset no immediate arrests were made or that pot isn't legal.

It doesn't matter if pot should or should not be legal. It is currently illegal and until the law changes then dealing with drugs is illegal and we should respect that. If you don't agree, change the law, don't just violate it.

But my point of view is different. Why do these people feel they need drugs anyway? I have never smoked pot or used any tyoe of illegal drug. Don't need too. I admit that I once drank alcohol. It certainly did not make me more popular, smarter, or have a better time than when I was alcohol free. it just made me feel bad when I drank too much and but my life and the lives of others in danger. I image its pretty much the same with drugs.

Ask any girl walking the streets in Greensboro or High Point. If they are truthful, and chances are they won't be, they are heavy users of crack cocaine. They are slaves to a fix, selling their bodies for enough money for their next high, forsaking family and friends, robbing, stealing, lying, and betraying people just to get a fix.

I don't need that in my life nor do I care to partake of any substance that will alter my way of acting or thinking just for the sake of altering my preception of reality. In order to have you as a friend I am required to have a drink with you then I care not to be your friend. If you expect me to be tolarant of your illegal activities in order for us to hang out together, then we shall not together.

Even if pot were legal, I have no need or want of it, not even medically. No you keep you spirits, your pot, your hard drugs, and I will keep my sanity and integrity and my sobriety. I don't want to have a drink with you to be your friend and if you feel you must have a drink to be social then there is something seriously wrong with your thinking. I suggest you stay on your side of the street, preferably not in a car, and when you understand I prefer my friends in a now altered state, then we can talk.

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