Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Man in ice cream cone costume mistaken for KKK protester

Talk about stupid news! A man dress as a waffle cone full of ice cream and even holding a sign that says "Ice Cream" upsets some people because they think he looks like a person in a traditional KKK uniform. Really? The KKK wore waffle cone pants?

Some people think everything is against them but its just not true.

Once when I was working at a convenience store I had a black man getting some gas for his car. He scanned his credit card before pumping so I wasn't concerned about him driving off. After he pumped his gas he came into the store to accuse me of being a racist for watching him as if he was going to steal.

I told the man to look at the pump directly behind him. When he looked he saw a scantily clan, sexy, beautiful young women who was well endowed and left little to the imagination who, incidentally, was pumping gas without credit card or prepaying and on the pump that had the most drive-offs.

"Who do you think I was really looking at?" I asked the man. He left without another word.

Sometimes I was afraid to ask a black person if I could help them because I was afraid they would accuse me of thinking they were trying to rip me off and i was offering them help as only a deterrent. Not so, just doing my job.

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