Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The tides have turned

It just amazes me the number of people who express no belief in God and belittles those that do.  It hasn't been that many years ago that even if a person did not accept God as a reality, which is their right to do, they at least kept that belief to themselves and if they expressed their disbelief, it was with respect to believers.  But today non-believers have become hostile and derogatory towards God and believers, especially Christians. 

Is this the result of the evoluntionary theory or the banning of prayer from schools?  What the shame of it all is is that Christians have retreated back into their churches and ventured out to spread the gospel.  This slight persecution of Christians should be a wake up call and a call to arms to get out and work harder but instead I see a retreat. 

Maybe that's a result of changing God;s word to fit more into what we believe instead of adapting our beliefs to fit the word of God.

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