Saturday, January 07, 2012

Gingrich's NAACP, Food Stamp Remarks Stir Controversy

Actually, white people use assistance programs in far greater numbers than minorities do but minorities use assistance programs in a larger percentage of their population.  It's been fifty years since intergration and there is still plenty of discrimination to go around.  Just check out "Family Fued" with Steve Harvey as host.  almost every show features a black family as contestants.  going by that show, half of the American population is balck, half is white, and other cultures are only something we read about in newspapers and books and see on the internet. 
It really would not matter which race is in charge of anything.  People favor other people they can relate too.  That is human nature and we must learn to accept that part of life.

Now when Newt said that he believes certain people would prefer paychecks over food stamps, granted, he should not have said certain people but I do believe most people would prefer to earn their own way.  Of cource there are bums out there who want what others have and don't want to do anything for themselves if they can take their needs and wants from other people. 

The only thing that is going to solve the racial problem in this society or any other society is the end of civilization .  Skinny people will always poke fun at fat people, good-looking folks will always poke fun at ugly people, jocks will always poke fun at clumsy peoply. smart people will always look down on stupid people, and on and on forever.  If somneone is different from you there is the potential for either you or they to find fault with each other. 

Subtle discrimination, while irratating, is always going to be with us so we might as well get used to it and stop complaining about it.  I just don't think Newt or any other person who becomes President will be able to design program that will aid only one segment of the population.  I didn't actually hear what Newt said -only read what was reported-and it did sound like an unwise statement but not one worth getting upset about.  After all, I am sure most black folks would rather be  self supporting than have to depend on handouts but so would I and so would any other people, all races and cultures equally. 

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